This program converts centreon data_bin SQL extract extract to IA/ML expected format.
Build with maven:
mvn package
Artefact is an auto executable jar that maven builds in the target
To launch the programme:
java -jar generator-{version}.jar [metrics list file] [data file] [output file]
The program agregate informations in a map in memory so it could need quite a log of Heap, it could be needed to provided Xmx
param to the JVM: java -Xmx1g -jar ...
Two input files are expected:
- metrics list file contains a list of all the metrics expected in the output file, each row in the file contains a metric label formated like that:
{host name}:{service name}:{metric name}
- data file contains the data extracted from centreon database
The output file is in the format required by ML tool:
- CSV with header in the first row
- each row contains data of a single timestamp date
- first collumn contains the date (ISO-8601)
- other collumns contains metrics data
There are two source classes:
is a first version for an old input format, now depracatedcom.centreon.TMPGenerator2
is the good one now