add-meeting [name] [responsible person] [description] [category] [type] [start date] [end date] - adds meeting
remove-meeting [name] [responsible person] - removes meeting if person is authorized to do it
list-meetings - lists all meeting by specified parameters
Optional filters:
-d [description] -c [category] -t [type] -u [responsible person] -s [start date] -e [end date] -aa [attending above count] -ab [attending below count] -ai [attending includes user]
add-to-meeting [name] [person] [attendint start date] - adds attendee to meeting
remove-from-meeting [name] [person] - removes attendee from meeting
Required parameters [parameter] should be omitted in interactive mode, except for filter options
To enter interactive mode just run the application with 0 initial parameters
Application meeting data is saved in data.json file