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Add analytics charts and information directly in your Payload admin.


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Payload Dashboard Analytics Plugin

A plugin for Payload CMS to connect analytics data to your Payload dashboard.


  • Chart widgets on collections, globals and dashboard
  • Live users indicator in sidebar
  • Aggregate data widgets on collections and globals
  • Basic report widgets on dashboard
  • Support for Plausible and Google Analytics


  yarn add @nouance/payload-dashboard-analytics
  # OR
  npm i @nouance/payload-dashboard-analytics

Basic Usage

In the plugins array of your Payload config, call the plugin with options:

// ...
  provider: {
    source: "plausible",
    apiSecret: PLAUSIBLE_API_KEY,
    host: PLAUSIBLE_HOST, // optional, for self-hosted instances
  cache: true,
  access: (user: any) => {
    return Boolean(user);
  navigation: {
    afterNavLinks: [
        type: "live",
  dashboard: {
    beforeDashboard: ["viewsChart"],
    afterDashboard: ["topPages"],
  globals: [
      slug: "homepage",
      widgets: [
          type: "info",
          label: "Page data",
          metrics: ["views", "sessions", "sessionDuration"],
          timeframe: "currentMonth",
          idMatcher: () => `/`,
  collections: [
      slug: Posts.slug,
      widgets: [
          type: "chart",
          label: "Views and visitors",
          metrics: ["views", "visitors", "sessions"],
          timeframe: "30d",
          idMatcher: (document: any) => `/articles/${document.slug}`,

// ...


  • provider | required

    Configuration for a supported provider.

  • access | optional

    Accepts a function that takes in the req.user object to determine access to the API routes. By default the routes are unprotected.

    Example to allow only authenticated users:

    access: (user: any) => Boolean(user);
  • cache | optional

    Accepts a boolean or a configuration object for cache management. Defaults to false.
    This creates a new collection type that will store cached data so that you don't get limited by the API.

    cache: true;
    • slug | optional

      You can customise the slug of this new collection to avoid conflicts. Defaults to analyticsData.

    • routes | optional

      By default all routes are cached to one day. This is because for most analytics platforms the data report is about one day out anyway. Live data is cached to 5 minutes.

      Object with any of these keys globalAggregate globalChart pageAggregate pageChart report live set to a number in minutes.

      routes?: {
        globalAggregate: 1440;
        globalChart: 1440;
        pageAggregate: 1440;
        pageChart: 1440;
        report: 1440;
        live: 5;
  • navigation | optional

    Object of either beforeNavLinks afterNavLinks which are arrays of navigation widgets.

  • dashboard | optional

    Object of either beforeDashboard afterDashboard which are arrays of dashboard widgets.

  • globals | optional

    Array of global configurations requiring a slug and an array of page widgets.

  • collections | optional

    Array of collection configurations requiring a slug and an array of page widgets.


A full list of supported widgets. Due to some time limitations or API constraints the selection may be limited.


Navigation widgets have no configuration.

Live visitors

Screenshot from 2023-04-12 18-12-58

type live

  type: "live";


Dashboard widgets have no configuration.

Views chart

Screenshot from 2023-04-12 18-13-28

type viewsChart


Top pages

Screenshot from 2023-04-12 18-13-36

type topPages



Page widgets have more configuration available with custom timeframes and metrics. These are usable on both globals and collections.

Page chart

Screenshot from 2023-04-12 18-13-08

  • type | chart | required

  • label | string or hidden | optional
    Sets a custom label for the component in the frontend, defaults to a list of metrics and it's accompanied by the timeframe.
    If hidden then the label is not displayed.

  • metrics | metric[] | required
    Array of metrics to fetch data for. See list of available metrics.

  • timeframe | timeframe | optional
    Defaults to 30d. See list of available timeframes.

  • idMatches | function | required A function that takes in the published document from the React hook useDocument and returns a string that matches the current page to a page in the analytics data.

  type: "chart",
  label: "Views and visitors",
  metrics: ["views", "visitors", "sessions"],
  timeframe: "30d",
  idMatcher: (document: any) => `/blog/${document.slug}`,

Page info

Screenshot from 2023-04-12 18-13-17

  • type | info | required

  • label | string or hidden | optional
    Sets a custom label for the component in the frontend, defaults to a list of metrics and it's accompanied by the timeframe.
    If hidden then the label is not displayed.

  • metrics | metric[] | required
    Array of metrics to fetch data for. See list of available metrics.

  • timeframe | timeframe | optional
    Defaults to 30d. See list of available timeframes.

  • idMatches | function | required A function that takes in the published document from the React hook useDocument and returns a string that matches the current page to a page in the analytics data.

  type: "info",
  label: "Views and visitors",
  metrics: ["views", "visitors", "sessions"],
  timeframe: "7d",
  idMatcher: (document: any) => `/blog/${document.slug}`,


Currently supported timeframes.

  • 12mo
  • 6mo
  • 30d
  • 7d
  • currentMonth limits the data period to the current month


A full list of currently supported metrics, each provider will map these on their own internally to the API they communicate with.

  • views
  • visitors
  • sessions
  • sessionDuration
  • bounceRate


Properties are used to generate reports, currently the widgets are limited in configuration but these should be fully supported via the API routes.

  • page
  • source
  • entryPoint
  • exitPoint
  • country



We support Plausible's Stats API, more information on their website.

  • source | "plausible" | required

  • apiSecret | string | required You can generate an API secret in the admin panel of Plausible.

  • siteId | string | required

  • host | string | optional

    Set this value to the full domain host including protocol if you're self hosting Plausible, eg.


const plausibleProvider: PlausibleProvider = {
  source: "plausible",

Google Analytics

We support the GA4 Analytics API only. You will need to get a credentials file from Google here, and follow the initial setup instructions so that these credentials have the correct read access to your analytics data.

  • source | "google" | required

  • propertyId | string | required The id of your target property, you can find this information in the GA property settings panel.

  • credentials | string | optional Path to your credentials.json file, make sure the filesystem has access to this, alternatively, set an environment variable named GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS with the path to the credentials file.


const googleProvider: GoogleProvider = {
  source: "google",


To do, add API documentation.

Known issues

Multi-metric charts have a floating tooltip in the wrong position, this is a problem upstream.


For development purposes, there is a full working example of how this plugin might be used in the demo of this repo. Then:

git clone \
  cd payload-dashboard-analytics && yarn \
  cd demo && yarn \
  cp .env.example .env \
  vim .env \ # add your API creds to this file
  yarn dev

Add custom provider
