we are currently bulding a responsive website for a computer sciecnce Department The aim of this project is to help designed and boost the skills level of the students at the Department of computer Science.The project was build using html, css and a bit of a Javascript.The website can be used in any cooperate organization to facilitate their activivies.
The project was cloned and set up to my github through the basic idea we have acquired from git and github from our various class sessions. The git and github commands were used to set up the entire project. A pull request was created to link up with the teaching assistance accout in github where he can see and diagnosed the commits and changes that we have been making as a progress in the course of doing the work.The basic git up commands were used to set entire project up.The commands such as git init,commit, push and many more git comands were used to get codes in and out of both local and remote repositories.
Name: NSIAH KOFI DENNIS ID: 10835820
This project will help me. I learnt a lot from the project which engaged me to bost my personal skills i will like to say a big thank you to Mr. Christian for helping us to develop and improved upon my ability to write a good front end codes and web development as well.i would like to work on more project like this to improe upon and maintain my skills. i believe that practing like this will always bost my morale to more better than as we are doing.