NullRAT v7.5
The next major release of NullRAT!
Cutting the long story short, there have been too many changes, I probably will miss out on a lot of them
- Dependencies Installer has been rewritten to batch
- Pyinstaller has been forced to install version 4.10 (higher than 4.10 breaks pyarmor)
- All modules will now be updated/installed regardless of them being available
- There is a new creator now, separate from the compiler
- auto-updater is gone for a bit, I will be adding it soon
- Everything else is as expected
- NullRAT Compiler has been rewritten to batch
- It works exactly the same as the C# compiler
RAT Core changelog:
- Fixed getip command
- Fixed billing command (keeps breaking by itself)
- WIFI listing command has been added
- WIFI password finding command has been added
- File hiding and unhiding command has been added
- Multi-victim support is present now (can infect and control many instances at once)
It is my firm belief that C# is garbage, so all C# based scripts have been taken care of
I hope this time everyone will have a good experience using NullRAT