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A React Native Package for checking port availability on native android udp & tcp


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A React Native Package for checking tcp and udp port availability on native android.

This is an implementation coming from the Apache camel project.


This package is only supported on android devices, since i'm not much of an iOS Developer. The source code is pretty much straightforward so feel free to submit a PR of an iOS port i'll be happy to merge ! :)


npm i -S react-native-portavailable


  • Add the following line to the bottom of your project's settings.gradle file.

    project(':react-native-portavailable').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-portavailable/android')

  • Change the include line of your project's settings.gradle to include the :react-native-portavailable project.

    include ':react-native-portavailable', ':app'

  • Open your app's build.gradle file and add the following line to the dependencies block.

    compile project(":react-native-portavailable")

  • In your app's file, add new PortAvailableReactModule() to the return statement of the getPackages() function.

    new MainReactPackage(),
    new PortAvailableReactModule()
  • Then in the same file add the import statement : import com.odinvt.portavailable.PortAvailableReactModule;


import PortAvailable from 'react-native-portavailable'


The calls to PortAvailable methods are static so you can go ahead and use it directly.

PortAvailable.check(port) Checks if the port 'port' is available
  • This will return a Promise instance that resolves to a boolean of the availability of the port. We're handling sockets opened and closed on the native side so we do need to expect an async execution. There is no need to use a catch method on the Promise object since all the exceptions are caught on the native side and the Promise just resolves to false.

Example :

PortAvailable.check(48500).then(available => {
  // 'available' is true if the port 48500 is available
PortAvailable.checkRange(min_port, max_port, stop = 0) Checks which of the ports between 'min_port' and 'max_port' (included) are available
  • This will return a Promise instance that resolves to an array of the available ports.
  • The stop parameter is optional and tells the function at how much available ports it should stop checking and resolve. stop = 0 is the default value and it tells the function to just check all the ports until max_port.

Example :

PortAvailable.checkRange(48500, 48600, 5).then(ports => {
  // 'ports' is an array of the available ports
  // for example : ports = [48500, 48501, 48502, 48503, 48505] if 48504 is not available
PortAvailable.getPorts() Returns the ports discovered by the last checkRange method call
  • This will return an array of the available ports.
  • The preferred way of getting the discovered ports is inside the PortAvailable.checkRange then callback. This method is provided so you can access the discovered ports anywhere on your application but only if you're sure that the PortAvailable.getPorts() call is made after the PortAvailable.checkRange Promise resolves .

Example :

let open_ports = PortAvailable.getPorts();
// open_ports = [48500, 48501, 48502, 48503, 48505]


This component uses ES6. So if you're using Webpack you should launch babel on main.js and output to main-tf.js if for some reason the npm postinstall script didn't execute.

"postinstall": "babel main.js --out-file main-tf.js"


A React Native Package for checking port availability on native android udp & tcp







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