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This repository contains a Docker Image to run an export of the GAP Library into a JSON file. It can be found as mathhub/gap-export on DockerHub.

To run the docker image, and place the generated files in a file called types.json JSON in the current directory, use:

docker run -t -i --rm -v $(pwd):/data mathhub/gap-export

What does the script do?

It approximately follows this list of instructions to download GAP, install the MathInTheMiddle package, and export most of the loaded symbols (which should be those in the library and the default packages) to a JSON file called types.json. This won't include every single thing in the GAP namespace, but should have most user-facing functions.

Why is it so badly formatted?

MitM itself doesn't care about formatting, but if you want to examine it better or upload it to mathhub, then you might consider using a JSON formatter. The following should work nicely:

cat types.json | jq -M --indent 4 . > types-pretty.json


Unlicense (read: Public Domain)