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<palindrom-connection> Build Status

Custom Element that encapsulates Palindrom, and channels its callback calls into DOM events.

  <palindrom-connection remote-url="http://you.palindrom.url"></palindrom-connection>


For the mean time, you can use it seamlessly with Polymer 1.x using palindrom-polymer. In the near future there will be middlewares for React and Vue.



Install the component using Bower:

$ bower install palindrom-connection --save

Or download as ZIP.


  1. Import Web Components' polyfill, if needed:

    <script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.js"></script>
  2. Import Custom Element:

    <link rel="import" href="bower_components/palindrom-connection/palindrom-connection.html">
  3. Start using it!

    <palindrom-connection remote-url="http://you.palindrom.url"></palindrom-connection>

    It establishes the Palindrom connection when attached. All the changes made in browser are sent to the server via WebSocket or HTTP, as JSON Patches. All the changes from server are also received and propagated to your HTML using DOM events.

Attributes & Properties

Attribute Options Default Description
debug Boolean false Set to true to enable debugging mode
listen-to String document.body DOM node to listen to (see PalindromDOM listenTo attribute)
local-version-path JSONPointer /_ver#c$ local version path, set to falsy do disable Versioned JSON Patch communication
obj Proxy {} notifies Object that will be synced
ot Boolean true false to disable OT
ping-interval-s Number 5 Interval in seconds between heartbeat patches, 0 - disable heartbeat
purity Boolean false true to enable purist mode of OT
remote-url String window.location The remote's URL
remote-version-path JSONPointer /_ver#s remote version path, set it to falsy to disable Double Versioned JSON Patch communication
use-websocket Boolean true Set to false to disable WebSocket (use HTTP)


Name Description
patch-applied Fired when patch gets applied
patch-received Fired when patch gets received
patch-sent Fired when patch gets send
socket-state-changed Fired when web socket state changes
reconnection-countdown Fired when reconnecting. has milliseconds property in details, denoting number of milliseconds to scheduled reconnection
reconnection-end Fired after successful reconnection

Reconnection and heartbeats

See Palindrom docs. pingIntervalS is directly forwarded to Palindrom, reconnection-countdown and reconnection-end events are directly based on respective callbacks.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D

Development and Testing

In order to develop it locally we suggest to use polyserve tool to handle bower paths gently.

  1. Install the global NPM modules bower & polyserve: npm install -g bower polyserve
  2. Make a local clone of this repo: git clone
  3. Go to the directory: cd palindrom-connection
  4. Install the local dependencies: bower install
  5. Start the development server: polyserve -p 8000
  6. Open the demo: http://localhost:8000/components/palindrom-connection/
  7. Open the test suite: http://localhost:8000/components/palindrom-connection/test/


For detailed changelog, check Releases.




A custom element that encapsulates PalindromDOM







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