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Chris Copeland edited this page Dec 13, 2018 · 2 revisions


This page contains a description of how configuration classes work within the Mimick framework.

Configuration Classes

A configuration class is a class marked with the Configuration attribute which is picked up when the Mimick framework is initialized for the first time, and allows for methods and properties to be decorated with attributes which affect how the framework behaves.


public class CustomConfiguration



As described on the Attributes page, the Provide attribute allows for custom configuration values to be registered without needing to load from a resource file.


public class CustomConfiguration
    public string ApplicationName => "Test Application";

    public int GetApplicationId() => 12345;


The Component attribute can be applied to a method or property within a class decorated with Configuration to indicate that the member produces a value which must be registered as a component of the framework. The value produced from the member will be registered as a singleton instance within the framework.

A method which produces a component which also has a name beginning with the prefix Get will have the remainder of the method name registered as an additional name for the component. For example, GetMyService() will register the component under the name MyService

A property which produces a component will also have the component registered under the name of the property. For example, MyService { get; } will register the component under the name MyService


public class CustomConfiguration
    public Service CustomService => new Service();

    public Service GetSecondCustomService() => new Service();

Configuration Sources

A configuration source is a resource descriptor which provides configuration values from an origin. Unlike configuration classes, a configuration source can be loaded from a resource file, and can be reloaded manually or based on an expiry period.

Configuration sources are added through the IConfigurationContext interface, which is exposed through the IFrameworkContext interface. Configuration sources can be added at run-time dynamically, but ideally should be added before the framework has been initialized.


The key-value configuration source allows for an IDictionary<string, string> value to be used as a configuration container. The dictionary is mutable, meaning that any changes made to the dictionary after the configuration source is created will reflect immediately.

var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dictionary.Add("Key1", "Value1");
dictionary.Add("Key2", "Value2");

configurations.Register(new KeyValueConfigurationSource(dictionary));

var value1 = configurations.Resolve("Key1"); // Value1
var value2 = configurations.Resolve("Key2"); // Value2


The XML configuration source consumes either an XmlDocument object, string file path, or a Stream resource. The values of the configurations within the source are resolved using standard XPath notation, as described below.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


var document = new XmlDocument();

configurations.Register(new XmlConfigurationSource(document));

var value1 = configurations.Resolve("//Configurations/Key1"); // Value1
var value2 = configurations.Resolve("//Configurations/Key2"); // Value2


The JSON configuration source consumes either a string file path or a Stream resource. The values of the configurations within the source are resolved using property paths separated by period (.) symbols, as described below.


{ "Configurations": { "Key1": "Value1", "Key2": "Value2" } }


configurations.Register(new JsonConfigurationSource("/path/to/document.json"));

var value1 = configurations.Resolve("Configurations.Key1"); // Value1
var value2 = configurations.Resolve("Configurations.Key2"); // Value2

This requires the add-in Mimick.Config.Json which has a dependency on Newtonsoft.Json


The YAML configuration source functions similar to the JSON configuration source, except that the source document must be a valid YAML document. The same configuration selector must be used.


  Key1: Value1
  Key2: Value2


configurations.Register(new YamlConfigurationSource("/path/to/document.yaml"));

var value1 = configurations.Resolve("Configurations.Key1"); // Value1
var value2 = configurations.Resolve("Configurations.Key2"); // Value2

This requires the add-in Mimick.Config.Yaml which has a dependency on YamlDotNet.Signed