A ServiceControl container image that adds support for processing MassTransit failures with the Particular Platform. Making all its recoverability feature for managing message processing failures like (group) retrying, message editing and failed message inspection available to the MassTransit community.
The connector is container image which is Linux Arm64 and Linux Amd64 compatible. The image is available at https://hub.docker.com/r/particular/servicecontrol-masstransit-connector . Please read the docker hub README for more information on available tags and container usage.
- .NET 8 SDK -- Build connector solution
- Docker -- Build docker image
All snippets below assume these are launches from the root of the repo
dotnet build src/ServiceControl.Connector.MassTransit.sln
The following creates a multiplatform images. This can only be build when the "Use containerd for pulling and storing images" is enabled under General.
The dockerfile is also compatible with https://podman.io/, replace docker buildx build
with podman build
To locally build and test the container run the following in any shell:
docker buildx build --file src/ServiceControl.Connector.MassTransit.Host/Dockerfile --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 --tag particular/servicecontrol-masstransit-connector:latest .
If you encounter the formatting issues error IDE0055: Fix formatting
try removing the .editorconfig files from the repo folder
dir /s/b ".editorconfig"
del /s ".editorconfig"
rm .editorconfig -r