// we will need to write a new README.md for the new repo
This repository contains the files for Windup documentation.
Windup is an automated application migration and assessment tool.
For developer-focused documentation, see the Windup wiki.
This project is Apache 2.0 licensed and accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests.
See the Contributors Guide for details.
To report a Windup documentation issue, submit a Jira issue on the [Windup project page]]{JiraWindupURL} with the Component field set to Documentation.
This repository uses the following directory structure:
├── CONTRIBUTING.adoc (Guide for how to contribute to this repository)
├── README.md (This file)
├── topics (Symbolic link to docs/topics/)
└── docs/ (Contains all the asciidoc topics and top level content spec)
│ ├── master.adoc (Base AsciiDoc file for this guide)
│ ├── master-docinfo.xml (Metadata about this guide)
│ └── topics (Symbolic link to docs/topics/)
└── topics/
├── images/ (Contains all images)
│ ├── *.png
├── templates/ (AsciiDoc templates to be used across guides)
│ ├── document-attributes.adoc (Stores attributes used across guides)
│ ├── revision-info.adoc (Revision timestamp to be added to all guides)
└── *.adoc (AsciiDoc files used across guides)