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vim-grip: vim plugin wrapper for joeyespo/grip

Table of Contents


  • grip working standalone
  • A version of vim with has('job') set to 1 or neovim
  • Optional: xdg-open for Linux with a supported desktop environment


Step 1: Ensure all dependencies are met

Step 2: Install the plugin with your preferred plugin manager

Plugin Manager Install with...
Dein call dein#add('PratikBhusal/vim-grip')
Minpac call minpac#add('PratikBhusal/vim-grip')
Pathogen git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-grip
Plug Plug 'PratikBhusal/vim-grip'
Vundle Plugin 'PratikBhusal/vim-grip'
Manual Put the files into your ~/.vim directory

Step 3: Test the plugin by opening a markdown file. See the options and commands sections on how to configure and use the plugin, respectively.



This option shows whether or not grip is enabled. If you wish to disable this plugin, do the following:

let g:grip_on = 0

[DEPRECATED] g:grip_default_map

vim-grip defines some default mappings for one to use if they wish. :GripStart is set to F2 and :GripExport is set to F5. If you do want the default mappings, set this option to 1.


let g:grip_default_map = 0

if g:grip_default_map
    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <F2> :silent update <bar> GripStart <cr>

    if windows
        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <F5> :silent update <bar> GripExport <bar>
            \ :silent ! start /min %:r.html<cr>
    elseif linux && executable('xdg-open')
        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <F5> :silent update <bar> GripExport <bar>
            \ :silent exec '!xdg-open ' . expand('%:r') . '.html &'<cr>


When enabled, vim-grip automatically hides the commands :GripStop, :GripClean, :GripList, and :GripGoto when no jobs started by :GripStart are currently running. If you wish to have them visible at all times after the first job has started by :GripStart, set this variable to 0.


let g:grip_disable_when_no_jobs = 1


:GripStart [File/Port]

Start an asynchronous grip job. If no argument is given, the current markdown file in focus is chosen. If a file name is given, a grip instance for that file is created. Both a valid relative and absolute path are acceptable parameters.If a port (i.e. a positive integer) is given, the current file will be created at that port value. Port values start at 6419 and go up until an unoccupied port is found.



:GripStart README.markdown

:GripStart 6419

:GripExport [File/Port]

Export the current markdown file to a html file. If no argument is given, the current markdown file in focus is exported. If a file name is given, that file is exported. Both a valid relative and absolute path are acceptable parameters. If a port (i.e. a positive integer) is gen, the file corresponding to the grip instance at that port will be exported.



:GripExport README.markdown

:GripExport 6419

:GripStop [File/Port]

Stop an asynchronous grip job. If no argument is given, the current markdown file in focus is chosen. If a file name is given, a grip instance for that file is stopped if one exists. Both a valid relative and absolute path are acceptable parameters. If a port (i.e. a positive integer) is given and there is a job running at that port, the corresponding job stops.



:GripStop README.markdown

:GripStop 6419


List the currently running grip jobs created by :GripStart. For each active job, the port and the file corresponding to that port is shown. Only active jobs are visible.



Port  File
6419  ~/.vim/src/vim-grip/README.markdown
6420  ~/.vim/src/vim-grip/LICENSE.markdown


Clean any dead grip jobs (or all jobs with !) created by :GripStart.

Example 1:


Port  File
6419  ~/.vim/src/vim-grip/README.markdown
6420  ~/.vim/src/vim-grip/LICENSE.markdown



Port  File
6419  ~/.vim/src/vim-grip/README.markdown
6420  ~/.vim/src/vim-grip/LICENSE.markdown

Example 2:


Port  File
6419  ~/.vim/src/vim-grip/README.markdown
6420  ~/.vim/src/vim-grip/LICENSE.markdown



:GripGoto {Port}

Goes to a file based on the corresponding active grip instance that was started by :GripStart. Where :buffer goes to a file based on the buffer number, :GripGoto goes to a file based on the port number. If you want to go to a file based on the file name, use the built-in :edit command.


  • Does this work for neovim?
    • Yes


Apache 2.0 License. Copyright © 2018-present Pratik Bhusal