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Qubes OS Builder

This is the second generation of the Qubes OS builder. This new builder leverages container or disposable qube isolation to perform every stage of the build and release process. From fetching sources to building them, everything is executed inside a "cage" (either a disposable or a container) with the help of what we call an "executor." For every command that needs to perform an action on sources, like cloning and verifying Git repos, rendering a SPEC file, generating SRPM or Debian source packages, a new cage is used. Only the signing, publishing, and uploading processes are executed locally outside a cage. (This will be improved in the future.) For now, only Docker, Podman, Local, Qubes and Windows executors are available.



$ sudo dnf install $(cat dependencies-fedora.txt)
$ test -f /usr/share/qubes/marker-vm && sudo dnf install qubes-gpg-split


$ sudo apt install $(cat dependencies-debian.txt)
$ test -f /usr/share/qubes/marker-vm && sudo apt install qubes-gpg-split

Remark: Sequoia packages sequoia-chameleon-gnupg is available since Trixie (Debian 13).

Fetch submodules:

$ git submodule update --init

Docker executor

Add user to the docker group if you wish to avoid using sudo:

$ usermod -aG docker user

You may need to sudo su user to get this to work in the current shell. You can add this group owner change to /rw/config/rc.local.

In order to use the Docker executor, you must build the image using the provided dockerfiles. Docker images are built from scratch with mock chroot cache archive. The rational is to use only built-in distribution tool that take care of verifying content and not third-party content like Docker images from external registries. As this may not be possible under Debian as build host, we allow to pull Fedora docker image with a specific sha256.

In order to ease Docker or Podman image generation, a tool is provided under tools directory. It takes as input container engine and optionally the Mock configuration file path or identifier.

For example, to build a Fedora 36 x86-64 docker image with mock:

$ tools/ docker fedora-36-x86_64

or a Podman image:

$ tools/ podman fedora-36-x86_64

If not specifying the mock configuration, it will simply build the docker image based on the Fedora docker image.

Detailed steps for Mock

You may want to customize your mock build process instead of using

First, build Mock chroot according to your own configuration or use default ones provided. For example, to build a Fedora 36 x86-64 mock chroot from scratch:

$ sudo mock --init --no-bootstrap-chroot --config-opts chroot_setup_cmd='install dnf @buildsys-build' -r fedora-36-x86_64

By default, it creates a config.tar.gz located at /var/cache/mock/fedora-36-x86_64/root_cache/. Second, build the docker image:

$ docker build -f dockerfiles/fedora.Dockerfile -t qubes-builder-fedora /var/cache/mock/fedora-36-x86_64/root_cache/

Qubes executor

We assume that the template chosen for building components inside a disposable qube is fedora-39. Install the following dependencies inside the template:

$ sudo dnf install $(cat dependencies-fedora-qubes-executor.txt)

Then, clone the disposable template based on Fedora 39, fedora-39-dvm, to qubes-builder-dvm. Set its private volume storage space to at least 30 GB.

Let's assume that the qube hosting qubes-builder is called work-qubesos. (If you're using a different name, make sure to adjust your policies.) In dom0, copy rpc/policy/50-qubesbuilder.policy to /etc/qubes/policy.d.

Now, start the disposable template qubes-builder-dvm and create the following directories:

$ sudo mkdir -p /rw/bind-dirs/builder /rw/config/qubes-bind-dirs.d

Create the file /rw/config/qubes-bind-dirs.d/builder.conf with the contents:


Append to /rw/config/rc.local the following:

mount /builder -o dev,suid,remount

Set qubes-builder-dvm as the default disposable template for work-qubesos:

$ qvm-prefs work-qubesos default_dispvm qubes-builder-dvm

Windows executors and building Windows Tools

There are two different Windows executors: SSHWindowsExecutor and WindowsQubesExecutor. Prerequisites for both executors are a superset of the Qubes executor (see above). For code signing you need osslsigncode installed in the Linux disposable template and the signing vault qube (see below).


This executor is meant for development, it uses SSH to communicate with a Windows system that is used for building. Scripts that can automatically create such qube are found in the tools/windows directory (they require genisoimage installed in the disposable template (qubes-builder-dvm)). You will need an unmodified Windows 10/11 installation iso and about 50GiB of disk space.

First, create an edited installation iso by running This script downloads prerequisites (OpenSSH server for Windows and Microsoft EWDK iso) and prepares the installation image for unattended Windows installation. After the image is generated, run dom0/ in dom0 to actually create and configure the worker qube (passing the generated installation image as a --iso parameter). After the script finishes, the worker qube is ready to use by the builder.

The worker qube has outbound network connections blocked in the firewall, this is configured by the script. An ssh key is generated by the script, the private part is saved in ~/.ssh/win-build.key by default while the public part is copied to the generated Windows installation image.

If the ssh-vm option is set in the builder.yml (see below), the SSH executor automatically starts the given vm. This option also requires the ewdk option, that specifies path to EWDK iso (in work-qubesos). Is ssh-vm it's assumed that the SSH machine is configured manually.

You can also use any SSH-accessible Windows machine instead.


This executor works in the same manner as the Linux Qubes executor. It requires a Windows disposable template with Qubes Windows Tools installed (you can use the SSH executor first to build QWT).

General information

It is recommended to turn off Microsoft Defender in the worker qube (especially real-time protection) because it slows down building significantly. This is not done during unattended setup because there is no supported way for automating this. (TODO: it enables itself after restart which is a pain for dispvms).

A separate vault-type qube is needed for code-signing Windows binaries. Let's assume it's named vault-sign. This qube has access to actual signing keys used, either production ones (TODO: in a HSM), or ephemeral self-signed keys. Communication with the vault-sign qube goes through Qubes RPC: install RPC service scripts from rpc/qubes.WinSign.* in the vault qube (make sure they are permanent in /etc/qubes-rpc, see bind dirs). qubesbuilder.WinSign.Timestamp needs to be installed in the default Linux disposable template (qubes-builder-dvm). You also need to configure RPC policy in dom0, copy rpc/policy/51-qubesbuilder-windows.policy to /etc/qubes/policy.d there (make sure the qube names are correct).

Build stages

The build process consists of the following stages:

  • fetch
  • prep
  • build
  • post
  • verify
  • sign
  • publish
  • upload

Currently, only these are used:

  • fetch (download and verify sources)
  • prep (create source packages)
  • build (build source packages)
  • sign (sign built packages)
  • publish (publish signed packages)
  • upload (upload published repository to a remote server)


  • fetch --- Manages the general fetching of sources
  • source --- Manages general distribution sources
  • source_rpm --- Manages RPM distribution sources
  • source_deb --- Manages Debian distribution sources
  • source_windows --- Manages Windows sources
  • build --- Manages general distribution building
  • build_rpm --- Manages RPM distribution building
  • build_deb --- Manages Debian distribution building
  • build_windows --- Manages Windows building (Visual Studio solutions)
  • sign --- Manages general distribution signing
  • sign_rpm --- Manages RPM distribution signing
  • sign_deb --- Manages Debian distribution signing
  • publish --- Manages general distribution publishing
  • publish_rpm --- Manages RPM distribution publishing
  • publish_deb --- Manages Debian distribution publishing
  • upload --- Manages general distribution uploading
  • template --- Manages general distribution releases
  • template_rpm --- Manages RPM distribution releases
  • template_deb --- Manages Debian distribution releases
  • template_whonix --- Manages Whonix distribution releases



  Main CLI

  --verbose / --no-verbose  Increase log verbosity.
  --debug / --no-debug      Print full traceback on exception.
  --builder-conf TEXT       Path to configuration file (default: builder.yml).
  --log-file TEXT           Path to log file to be created.
  -c, --component TEXT      Specify component to treat (can be repeated).
  -d, --distribution TEXT   Set distribution to treat (can be repeated).
  -t, --template TEXT       Set template to treat (can be repeated).
  -o, --option TEXT         Set builder configuration value (can be repeated).
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  package     Package CLI
  template    Template CLI
  repository  Repository CLI
  installer   Installer CLI
  config      Config CLI
  cleanup     Cleanup CLI

    fetch prep build post verify sign publish upload

    Input value for option is of the form:

        1. key=value
        2. parent-key:key=value
        3. key+value

    It allows to set configuration dict values or appending array values.
    In the three forms, 'value' can be chained by one of the three forms to
    set value at deeper level.

    For example:

    The Qubes OS components are separated into two groups: standard components
    and template components. Standard components will produce distribution
    packages to be installed in TemplateVMs or StandaloneVMs, while template
    components will produce template packages to be installed via qvm-template.

You can use the provided qubes-os-r4.2.yml configuration file under example-configs named builder.yml in the root of qubes-builderv2 (like the legacy qubes-builder).

Remark: You can find official configuration files used to build packages and templates at

Artifacts can be found under artifacts directory:

├── components          <- Stage artifacts for each component version and distribution.
├── distfiles           <- Extra source files.
├── repository          <- Qubes local builder repository (metadata are generated each time inside cages).
├── repository-publish  <- Qubes OS repositories that are uploaded to {yum,deb,...}
├── sources             <- Qubes components source.
└── templates           <- Template artifacts.


You can start building the components defined in this development configuration with:

$ ./qb package fetch prep build

If GPG is set up on your host, specify the key and client to be used inside builder.yml. Then, you can test the sign and publish stages:

$ ./qb package sign publish

You can trigger the whole build process as follows:

$ ./qb package all

It is possible to initialize a chroot cache, e.g. for Mock and pbuilder, by calling Package CLI with stage init-cache. This particular stage is not included in the all alias. Indeed, if a cache is detected at prep ou build stages, it will be used. As cache could be provided either by using init-cache or any other method that a user would use, we keep it as dedicated call.


Similarly, you can start building the templates defined in this development configuration with:

$ ./qb template all


The build of an ISO is done in several steps. First, it downloads necessary packages for Anaconda that will be used for Qubes OS installation. Second, it does the same for Lorax, that is responsible to create the installation runtime. Finally, the step of creating the ISO is done without network and uses only the downloaded packages. Download steps are done inside a cage and creating the ISO is done inside a Mock chroot itself inside a cage. As the ISO creation is done offline, it is important to create a cache first for Mock. To perform all these simply do:

$ ./qb installer init-cache all

The builder supports only one host distribution at a time. If multiple is provided in configuration file (e.g. for development purpose), simply call the builder with the wanted host distribution associated to the ISO.


In order to publish to a specific repository, or if you ignored the publish stage, you can use the repository command to create a local repository that is usable by distributions. For example, to publish only the whonix-gateway-16 template:

./qb -t whonix-gateway-16 repository publish templates-community-testing

Or publish all the templates provided in builder.yml in templates-itl-testing:

./qb repository publish templates-itl-testing

Similar commands are available for packages, for example:

./qb -d host-fc32 -c core-qrexec repository publish current-testing


./qb repository publish unstable

It is not possible to publish packages in template repositories or vice versa. In particular, you cannot publish packages in the template repositories templates-itl, templates-itl-testing, templates-community, or templates-community-testing; and you cannot publish templates in the package repositories current, current-testing, security-testing, or unstable. A built-in filter enforces this behavior.

Normally, everything published in a stable repository, like current, templates-itl, or templates-community, should first wait in a testing repository for a minimum of five days. For exceptions in which skipping the testing period is warranted, you can ignore this rule by using the --ignore-min-age option with the publish command.

Please note that the publish plugin will not allow publishing to a stable repository. This is only possible with the repository command.

Signing with Split GPG

If you plan to sign packages with Split GPG, add the following to your ~/.rpmmacros:

%__gpg /usr/bin/qubes-gpg-client-wrapper

%__gpg_check_password_cmd   %{__gpg} \
        gpg --batch --no-verbose -u "%{_gpg_name}" -s

%__gpg_sign_cmd /bin/sh sh -c '/usr/bin/qubes-gpg-client-wrapper \\\
        --batch --no-verbose \\\
        %{?_gpg_digest_algo:--digest-algo %{_gpg_digest_algo}} \\\
        -u "%{_gpg_name}" -sb %{__plaintext_filename} >%{__signature_filename}'


The .qubesbuilder file is a YAML file placed inside a Qubes OS source component directory, similar to Makefile.builder for the legacy Qubes Builder. It has the following top-level keys:

  PACKAGE_SET-DISTRIBUTION_NAME (= Qubes OS distribution like `host-fc42` or `vm-trixie`)
  PLUGIN_ENTRY_POINTS (= Keys providing content to be processed by plugins)

We provide the following list of available keys:

  • host --- host package set content.
  • vm --- vm package set content.
  • rpm --- RPM plugins content.
  • deb --- Debian plugins content.
  • windows --- Windows plugin content.
  • source --- Fetch and source plugins (fetch, source, source_rpm, source_deb and source_windows) content.
  • build --- Build plugins content (build, build_rpm, build_deb and build_windows).
  • create-archive --- Create source component directory archive (default: True unless files is provided and not empty).
  • commands --- Execute commands before plugin or distribution tools (source_deb only).
  • modules --- Declare submodules to be included inside source preparation (source archives creation and placeholders substitution)
  • files --- List of external files to be downloaded. It has to be provided with the combination of a url/git-url and a verification method. For url, a verification method is either a checksum file or a signature file with public GPG keys. For git-url, it's either GPG key to verity a tag, or explicit commit id.
  • url --- URL of the external file to download.
  • sha256 --- Path to sha256 checksum file relative to source directory (in combination with url).
  • sha512 --- Path to sha256 checksum file relative to source directory (in combination with url).
  • signature --- URL of the signature file of downloaded external file (in combination with url and pubkeys).
  • uncompress --- Uncompress external file downloaded before verification. In case of tarball created from git, do not compress it.
  • pubkeys --- List of public GPG keys to use for verifying the downloaded signature file (in combination with url and signature).
  • git-url --- URL of a repository to fetch and create a tarball from.
  • tag --- Specific tag to fetch from git-url and verify with a key specified in pubkeys. Can use @VERSION@ placeholder.
  • commit-id --- Specific pre-verified commit to fetch from git-url. No extra verification is performed.
  • git-basename --- Specify basename for archive created out of git repository. This is also used for the top level directory inside the archive. If not set, final component of the git-url (minus .git if applicable), plus a commit id or tag will be used.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of distribution-specific keys:

  • host-fc32 --- Fedora 32 for the host package set content only
  • vm-bullseye --- Bullseye for the vm package set only

build_windows specific: all output artifacts for a component need to be specified in .qubesbuilder as lists of paths (relative to component root) with the following keys:

  • bin --- binaries (.exe, .dll, .sys and all files that can be PE-signed)
  • inc --- devel header files that are dependencies for other components
  • lib --- linker libraries that are dependencies for other components

skip-test-sign option can be specified to provide a list of binaries that should not be signed with a test key (only used for the final installer binary currently, since the self-signed certificate is in the installer itself so the binary can't be verified if test-signed).

Inside each top level, it defines what plugin entry points like rpm, deb, and source will take as input. Having both PACKAGE_SET and PACKAGE_SET-DISTRIBUTION_NAME with common keys means that it is up to the plugin to know in which order to use or consider them. It allows for defining general or distro-specific options.

In a .qubesbuilder file, there exist several placeholder values that are replaced when loading .qubesbuilder content. Here is the list of currently-supported placeholders:

  • @VERSION@ --- Replaced by component version (provided by the version file inside the component source directory)
  • @REL@ --- Replaced by component release (provided by the rel file inside the component source directory, if it exists)
  • @BUILDER_DIR@ --- Replaced by /builder (inside a cage)
  • @BUILD_DIR@ --- Replaced by /builder/build (inside a cage)
  • @PLUGINS_DIR@ --- Replaced by /builder/plugins (inside a cage)
  • @DISTFILES_DIR@ --- Replaced by /builder/distfiles (inside a cage)
  • @SOURCE_DIR@ --- Replaced by /builder/<COMPONENT_NAME> (inside a cage where, <COMPONENT_NAME> is the component directory name)
  • @CONFIGURATION@ --- build_windows specific, replaced by the project configuration (Debug / Release)


Here is an example for qubes-python-qasync:

    - python-qasync.spec
    - python-qasync.spec
    - debian
    - debian
  - url:
    sha256: qasync-0.9.4.tar.gz.sha256

It defines builds for the host and vm package sets for all supported RPM distributions, like Fedora, CentOS Stream, and soon openSUSE with the rpm level key. This key instructs RPM plugins to take as input provided spec files in the build key. For Debian-related distributions, only the buster and bullseye distributions have builds defined with the level key deb. Similar to RPM, it instructs Debian plugins to take as input directories provided in the build key.

In the case where deb would have been defined also in vm like:

    - python-qasync.spec
      - debian1
      - debian2
    - debian

The vm-buster content overrides the general content defined by deb in vm, so for the buster distribution, we would still build only for the debian directory.

In this example, the top level key source instructs plugins responsible for fetching and preparing the component source to consider the key files. It is an array, here only one dict element, for downloading the file at the given url and verifying it against its sha256 sum. The checksum file is relative to the component source directory.

If no external source files are needed, like an internal Qubes OS component qubes-core-qrexec,

    - rpm_spec/qubes-qrexec.spec
    - rpm_spec/qubes-qrexec-dom0.spec
    - rpm_spec/qubes-qrexec.spec
    - rpm_spec/qubes-qrexec-vm.spec
    - debian
    - archlinux

we would have no source key instructing to perform something else other than standard source preparation steps and creation (SRPM, dsc file, etc.). In this case, we have globally-defined builds for RPM, Debian-related distributions, and ArchLinux (archlinux key providing directories as input similar to Debian).

Some components need more source preparation and processes like qubes-linux-kernel:

    - kernel.spec
  - linux-utils
  - dummy-psu
  - dummy-backlight
  - url:[email protected]
    signature:[email protected]
    uncompress: true
  - url:
    uncompress: true
    sha256: macbook12-spi-driver-2905d318d1a3ee1a227052490bf20eddef2592f9.tar.sha256

First, the source key provides modules that instructs the fetch and source plugins that there exist git submodules that are needed for builds. In the case of RPM, the spec file has different Source macros depending on archives with submodule content. The source preparation will create an archive for each submodule and render the spec file according to the submodule archive names. More precisely, for qubes-linux-kernel commit hash b4fdd8cebf77c7d0ecee8c93bfd980a019d81e39, it will replace placeholders inside the spec file @linux-utils@, @dummy-psu@, and @dummy-backlight@ with linux-utils-97271ba.tar.gz, dummy-psu-97271ba.tar.gz, and dummy-backlight-3342093.tar.gz respectively, where 97271ba, 97271ba, and 3342093 are short commit hash IDs of submodules.

Second, in the files key, there is another case where an external file is needed but the component source directory holds only public keys associated with archive signatures and not checksums. In that case, url and signature are files to be downloaded and pubkeys are public keys to be used for source file verification. Moreover, sometimes the signature file contains the signature of an uncompressed file. The uncompress key instructs fetch plugins to uncompress the archive before proceeding to verification.

Reminder: These operations are performed inside several cages. For example, the download is done in one cage, and the verification is done in another cage. This allows for separating processes that may interfere with each other, whether intentionally or not.

For an internal Qubes OS component like qubes-core-qrexec, the source plugin handles creating a source archive that will be put side to the packaging files (spec file, Debian directory, etc.) to build packages. For an external Qubes OS component like qubes-python-qasync (same for xen, linux, grub2, etc.), it uses the external file downloaded (and verified) side to the packaging files to build packages. Indeed, the original source component is provided by the archive downloaded and only packaging files are inside the Qubes source directory. Packaging includes additional content like patches, configuration files, etc. In very rare cases, the packaging needs both a source archive of the Qubes OS component directory and external files. This is the case qubes-vmm-xen-stubdom-linux:

    - rpm_spec/xen-hvm-stubdom-linux.spec
  create-archive: true
  - url:
    - keys/qemu/mdroth.asc
    - keys/qemu/pbonzini.asc
  - url:
    uncompress: true
    - keys/linux/greg.asc
  - url:
    - keys/busybox/vda_pubkey.asc
  - url:
    sha512: checksums/pulseaudio-14.2.tar.xz.sha512
  - url:
    sha512: checksums/libusb-1.0.23.tar.bz2.sha512

By default, if files are provided, plugins treat components as external Qubes OS components, which means that archiving the component source directory is not performed, because it's useless to package the packaging itself. For this particular component in Qubes OS, there are several directories needed from source component directories. Consequently, the packaging has been made in such a way so as to extract from the source archive only these needed directories. In order to force archive creation, (or disable it), the create-archive boolean can be set in the source keys at the desired value, here true.

For Debian distributions, it is sometimes necessary to execute a custom command before source preparation. This is the case, for example, for i3:

    - i3.spec
    - i3.spec
    - debian-pkg/debian
      - '@PLUGINS_DIR@/source_deb/scripts/debian-quilt @SOURCE_DIR@/series-debian.conf @BUILD_DIR@/debian/patches'
  - url:
    sha512: i3-4.18.2.tar.bz2.sha512

Inside the deb key, there is a command inside the commands array to execute the debian-quilt script provided by the source_deb plugin with a series of patch files located in the source directory (path inside a cage) to the prepared source directory, here the build directory (path inside a cage).

Note: All commands provided are executed before any plugin tools or distribution tools like dpkg-*. This is only available for Debian distributions and not RPM distributions, as similar processing is currently not needed.

Here is an example for a Windows component (core-vchan-xen):

    - rpm_spec/libvchan.spec
    - rpm_spec/libvchan.spec
    - windows/vs2022/core-vchan-xen.sln
    - windows/vs2022/x64/@CONFIGURATION@/libvchan/libvchan.dll
    - windows/include/libvchan.h
    - windows/vs2022/x64/@CONFIGURATION@/libvchan/libvchan.lib

The build stage specifies a Visual Studio solution to be built. bin, inc and lib keys specify output artifacts.

Qubes builder configuration

Options available in builder.yml:

  • git:

    • baseurl: str --- Base url of git repos (default:
    • prefix: str --- Which repository to clone (default: QubesOS/qubes-).
    • suffix: str --- git suffix (default: .git).
    • branch: str --- git branch (default: main).
    • maintainers: List[str] --- List of extra fingerprint allowed for signature verification of git commit and tag. See key-dirs option for providing the public keys.
  • skip-git-fetch: bool --- When set, do not update already downloaded git repositories (those in sources artifacts dir). New components are still fetched (once). Useful when doing development builds from non-default branches, local modifications etc.

  • skip-files-fetch: bool --- When set, do not fetch component files like source tarballs (those in the distfiles artifacts dir). Component builds will fail without those files. Useful to save time and space when fetching git repositories.

  • increment-devel-versions: bool --- When set, each package built will have local build number appended to package release number. This way, it's easy to update test environment without manually forcing reinstall of packages with unchanged versions. Example versions with devel build number:

    • qubes-core-dom0-4.2.12-1.13.fc37.x86_64 (.13 is the additional version here)
    • qubes-u2f_2.0.1+deb11u1+devel2_all.deb (+devel2 is the additional version here)
  • artifacts-dir: str --- Path to artifacts directory.

  • plugins-dirs: List[str] --- List of path to plugin directory. By default, the local plugins directory is prepended to the list.

  • backend-vmm: str --- Backend Virtual Machine (default and only supported value: xen).

  • debug: bool --- Print full traceback on exception (default: False).

  • verbose: bool --- Increase log verbosity (default: False).

  • qubes-release: str --- Qubes OS release e.g. r4.2.

  • min-age-days: int --- Minimum days for testing component or template allowed to reach stable repositories (default: 5).

  • gpg-client: str: GPG client to use, either gpg or qubes-gpg-client-wrapper.

  • key-dirs: List[str]: additional directories with maintainer's keys; keys needs to be named after full fingerprint plus .asc extension

  • template-root-size: str --- Template root size as an integer and optional unit (example: 10K is 10*1024). Units are K,M,G,T,P,E,Z,Y (powers of 1024) or KB,MB,... (powers of 1000). Binary prefixes can be used, too: KiB=K, MiB=M, and so on.

  • iso: Dict:

    • kickstart: str --- Image installer kickstart. The path usually points at a file in artifacts/sources/qubes-release, in a conf/ directory - example value: conf/iso-online-testing.ks. To use path outside of that directory, either set absolute path, or a path starting with ./ (path relative to builder configuration file). Into the kickstart file, it can include other kickstart files using %include but it is limited to include existing kickstart files inside qubes-release/conf.
    • comps: str --- Image installer groups (comps) file. The path usually points at a file in artifacts/sources/qubes-release, in a comps/ directory - example value: comps/comps-dom0.xml. To use path outside of that directory, either set absolute path, or a path starting with ./ (path relative to builder configuration file).
    • flavor: str --- Image name will be named as Qubes-<iso-version>-<iso-flavor>-<arch>.iso.
    • use-kernel-latest: bool --- If True, use kernel-latest when building installer runtime and superseed kernel in the installation. It allows to boot installer and QubesOS with the latest drivers provided by stable kernels and not only long term supported ones by default.
    • version: str --- Define specific version to embed, by default current date is used.
    • is-final: bool --- Should the ISO be marked as "final" (skip showing warning about development build at the start of the installation).
  • use-qubes-repo: Dict: version: str --- Use Qubes packages repository to satisfy build dependents. Set to target version of Qubes you are building packages for (like "4.1", "4.2" etc.). testing: bool --- When used with use-qubes-repo:version, enable testing repository for that version (in addition to stable).

  • sign-key: Dict --- Fingerprint for signing content.

    • rpm: str --- RPM content.
    • deb: str --- Debian content.
    • archlinux: str --- Archlinux content.
    • iso: str --- ISO content.
  • less-secure-signed-commits-sufficient: list --- List of component names where signed commits is allowed instead of requiring signed tags. This is less secure because only commits that have been reviewed are tagged.

  • timeout: int: Abort build after given timeout, in seconds.

  • repository-publish: Dict --- Testing repository to use at publish stage.

    • components: str --- Components . This is either current-testing, security-testing or unstable.
    • templates: str --- Testing repository for templates at publish stage. This is either templates-itl-testing or templates-community-testing.
  • executor: Dict --- Specify default executor to use.

    • type: str --- Executor type: qubes, docker, podman, local or windows.
    • options: Dict:
      • image: str --- Container image to use. Specific to docker or podman type.
      • dispvm: str --- Disposable template VM to use (use "@dispvm" to use the calling qube default_dispvm property or specify a name).
      • directory: str --- Base directory for local executor to create temporary directories.
      • clean: bool --- Clean container, disposable qube or temporary local folder (default true).
      • clean-on-error: bool --- Clean container, disposable qube or temporary local folder if any error occurred. Default is value set by clean.
  • Options specific to the windows and windows-ssh executors (see example-configs/windows-tools.yml):

    • user: str --- Name of the user account in the worker Windows machine/VM (default: user).
    • threads: int --- Number of parallel threads to use for MSBuild (default: 1).
    • ewdk: str --- Path to the EWDK iso file that will be attached to the worker qube.
  • Options specific to the windows executor:

    • dispvm: str --- Name of the disposable Windows template (default: win-build).
  • Options specific to the windows-ssh executor:

    • ssh-key-path: str --- Path to the private ssh key used for communication with the worker machine (default: ~/.ssh/win-build.key).
    • ssh-ip: str --- IP address to use when connecting to the worker machine.
    • ssh-vm: str --- Name of the worker qube (optional). If specified, this qube is started automatically and the EWDK iso is attached to it as a block device.
  • stages: List[str, Dict] --- List of stages to trigger.

    • <stage_name>: str --- Stage name.
    • <stage_name>: Dict --- Stage name provided as dict to override executor to use.
      • executor: Dict --- Specify executor to use for this stage.
  • distributions: List[Union[str, Dict]] --- Distribution for packages provided as -.. Default architecture is x86_64 and can be omitted. Some examples: host-fc32, host-fc42.ppc64 or vm-trixie.

    • <distribution_name> --- Distribution name provided as string.
    • <distribution_name>: --- Distribution name provided as dict to pass or override values.
      • stages: List[Dict] --- Allow to override stages options.
  • components: List[Union[str, Dict]] -- List of components you want to build. See example configs for sensible lists. The order of components is important - it should reflect build dependencies, otherwise build would fail.

    • <component_name> --- Component name provided as string.
    • <component_name>: --- Component name provided as dict to pass or override values.
      • branch: str --- override default git branch.
      • url: str --- provide the full url of the component.
      • maintainers: List[str] --- List of extra fingerprint allowed for signature verification of git commit and tag.
      • timeout: int --- Abort build after given timeout, in seconds.
      • plugin: bool --- Component being actually an extra plugin. No .qubesbuilder file is needed.
      • packages: bool --- Component that generate packages (default: True). If set to False (e.g. builder-rpm), no .qubesbuilder file is allowed.
      • verification-mode: str --- component source code verification mode, supported values are: signed-tag (this is default), less-secure-signed-commits-sufficient, insecure-skip-checking. This option takes precedence over top level less-secure-signed-commits-sufficient.
      • stages: List[Dict] --- Allow to override stages options.
      • distribution_name: List[Dict] -- Allow to override per distribution, stages options.
      • package_set: List[Dict] -- Allow to override per distribution package set, stages options.
  • templates: List[Dict] -- List of templates you want to build. See example configs for sensible lists.

    • <template_name>: --- Template name.
      • dist: str --- Underlying distribution, e.g. fc42, bullseye, etc.
      • flavor: str --- If applies, specify template flavor, e.g. minimal, xfce, whonix-gateway, whonix-workstation, etc.
      • options: List[str] --- Provides template build options, e.g. minimal, no-recommends, firmware, etc.
  • repository-upload-remote-host: Dict --- Rsync URL for uploading local repository content.

    • rpm: str --- RPM content.
    • deb: str --- Debian content.
    • iso: str --- ISO content.
  • cache: Dict --- List of distributions cache options.

    • <distribution_name>: Dict --- Distribution name provided as in distributions.
      • packages: List[str] --- List of packages to download and to put in cache. These packages won't be installed into the base chroot.
    • templates: List[str] --- List of template names to download and put in installer cache. They are available based on what is defined in selected kickstart.
  • automatic-upload-on-publish: bool --- Automatic upload on publish/unpublish.

  • mirrors: Dict --- List of distributions mirrors where key refers to - or . The former overrides the latter. <distribution_name | distribution>: List[str] --- List of mirrors to be used in builder plugins.

Remark: mirrors support is partially implemented for now. It supports ArchLinux and Debian for template build only. With respect to legacy builder, it allows to provide values for ARCHLINUX_MIRROR and DEBIAN_MIRRORS.

  • git-run-inplace: bool --- Run git directly on local sources available on the host when calling fetch stage for components. It overrides the defined executor for fetch stage by a local executor in order to call git directly into sources artifacts directory.

Fine-grained control of executors

To enable a more detailed control over executor options passed to stages, values are assigned and updated for the stages parameter according to the following order:

  1. The primary definition of stages at the top level,
  2. Definitions within the context of distributions,
  3. The inclusion of stages within components,
  4. The specification of stages within a particular package set in components,
  5. The delineation of stages within a specific distribution in components.

Assuming part of builder configuration file looks like:

  type: qubes
    dispvm: "@dispvm"
    clean: False

  - vm-fc42
  - vm-jammy:
        - build:
                dispvm: qubes-builder-debian-dvm

  - fetch
  - sign:
        type: local

- linux-kernel:
      - sign:
            type: qubes
              dispvm: signing-access-dvm
        - prep:
              type: local
                directory: /some/path
        - build:
              type: podman
                image: fedoraimg

For the fetch stage, the Qubes executor with disposable template qubes-builder-debian-dvm will be used for both vm-fc42 and vm-jammy. For the build stage of vm-fc42, the Podman executor with container image fedoraimg will be used. For the sign stage, the Qubes executor with disposable template signing-access-dvm will be used for both vm-fc42 and vm-jammy For the prep stage of vm-jammy, the Local executor with base directory /some/path will be used.

Windows-specific build stage options

Options related to Qubes Windows Tools can be specified under the build stage of a Windows distribution, like this:

  - vm-win10:
        - build:
            configuration: release
            sign-qube: vault-sign
            sign-key-name: "Qubes Windows Tools"
            test-sign: true
              type: windows # or windows-ssh
                user: user
                threads: 1
                dispvm: win-build
                ewdk: "dev:loop1"
                #ssh-key-path: /home/user/.ssh/win-build.key
  • configuration: str --- build configuration (debug / release) (default: release).
  • sign-qube: str --- name of the vault qube performing code signing, see the Windows executor description above.
  • sign-key-name: str --- name of the signing key to use. For test keys this becomes the subject of the self-signed certificate.
  • test-sign: bool --- code signing type, true (default) or false. Test signing generates ephemeral self-signed keys for each component. Production signing uses an already existing key signed by a public CA (TODO: HSM).


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