Releases: Questandachievement7Developer/RaiseTheEmpiresPort_Native
Build 467-470 Releases
Horray an update!
Port_native Additions and bugfixes
- Added sshkeyreg() for ssh id_rsa handler for StartOnline game session
- registrarServerID() has been updated to meet the ssh compliant "Adding ssh key"
- openssl error on previous build caused by rootfs update in termux has been Fixed
- Added iOS support but still in experimental stage
- iOSResumeOp() has been added in order to handle interrupted session unexpectedly and resume whenever its available again
- Fixes in Starttemplate_iOS
- Update menu has been disabled for installation breaking concerns
Game content Update 0.06a release Nat 11/07/2020 01:29
- Invade part 4: Neighbor repel, invade, longer sessions, titan Nat 11/07/2020 00:42
- fixed A Spectrum of Ore quest Willy030125* 30/06/2020 08:46
- Disable crash log option for servers Nat 20/06/2020 21:50
- Additional recovered assets (of Willy) Nat 20/06/2020 20:07
- Servers: Basic documentation AcidCaos 19/06/2020 11:57
- Profile avatar images Willy030125* 19/06/2020 02:52
- Servers: login template AcidCaos 18/06/2020 20:50
- Servers: friends/neighbours page AcidCaos 18/06/2020 19:10
- fixed self bar heal oshere1111 16/06/2020 11:56
- fixed secondary abillty Oshere1111 14/06/2020 00:32
- fix invalid edited saves from breaking the game Nat 13/06/2020 02:34
- gas poison fix oshere1111 10/06/2020 19:24
- Flag for current "stable" version questandachievementProjects* 07/06/2020 06:34
- Chinese(Simplified) fixed index quotation marks AcidCaos 06/06/2020 20:11
- added Chinese(Simplified) language (unknown revision) AcidCaos 05/06/2020 20:56
- Invade part 3: invading & repelling Nat 02/06/2020 02:50
- Element z part 2: fix collection Nat 25/05/2020 17:59
- Element z part 1 (most fixed except 2 known bugs) Oshere1111 25/05/2020 08:37
- Element z part 1 (most fixed except 2 known bugs) Oshere1111 25/05/2020 08:33
- fixed unit buying Oshere1111 25/05/2020 08:27
- Element z part 1 (most fixed except 2 known bugs) Oshere1111 25/05/2020 00:46
- deleted dupped trees. releases page AcidCaos 18/05/2020 10:45
- fixed research crash Oshere1111 08/05/2020 22:51
- fixed defense shield Oshere1111 04/05/2020 01:42
- all powerups are shown Oshere1111 01/05/2020 22:28
- new powerups are usable Oshere1111 01/05/2020 22:12
- resources gets reduced Oshere1111 29/04/2020 22:47
- autopickup drops Nat 29/04/2020 22:33
- fix depleted z-units power-ups out of sync Nat 26/04/2020 00:50
- obelisk fixed Oshere1111 26/04/2020 00:05
- xp on hover AcidCaos 24/04/2020 23:08
- fixed resource needed buying Oshere1111 24/04/2020 15:52
- resource amount fix Nat 24/04/2020 15:50
- generic buying item, invade basic battle Nat 24/04/2020 15:40
- fixed unit buying Oshere1111 24/04/2020 12:03
- init custom name. favicon fix. AcidCaos 24/04/2020 10:46
- fixed github repository link Willy030125* 24/04/2020 06:58
- fixed silence gap in battle music Willy030125* 24/04/2020 06:32
- fixed resources buying in build menu Oshere1111 23/04/2020 22:39
- player menu AcidCaos 23/04/2020 12:17
- adding crewInfo when migrate Oshere1111 22/04/2020 21:07
- all govt adding crewInfo when migrate Oshere1111 22/04/2020 21:03
- adding crewInfo when migrate Oshere1111 22/04/2020 15:43
- crewing buildings Nat 21/04/2020 23:39
- ability to cancel units, research, produce, ... Nat 21/04/2020 01:05
- fix quest kill counter Oshere1111 20/04/2020 23:46
- test2 Oshere1111 20/04/2020 18:05
- test Oshere1111 20/04/2020 18:01
- fix build upgrade quests Nat* 20/04/2020 19:35
- progress fix oshere1111* 19/04/2020 18:50
- use general consumable oshere1111* 19/04/2020 17:38
- consumable quest progress oshere1111* 18/04/2020 21:05
- buy consumables oshere1111* 17/04/2020 01:34
- progress harvest consumable. powerup counting oshere1111* 16/04/2020 02:10
- invade neighbors initial Nat 14/04/2020 01:59
- unlock units (& free unit), LE discounts Nat 05/04/2020 00:47
- Enabling bonus decorations Nat 23/02/2020 20:51
- Update questandachievementProjects* 21/02/2020 01:43
- Public README (II) AcidCaos 20/02/2020 19:27
- On digital heritage info. AcidCaos 17/02/2020 00:34
- Added GPL v3 LICENSE (Readme info.) AcidCaos 16/02/2020 23:48
- Public project. README AcidCaos 15/02/2020 18:44
Build 450 Release for Termux
Build 450 (Termux)
- Added support for new Termux dependencies, including 'which' and busybox support
- Main page logo adjustment
- 'no busybox detected' issue has been fixed
- fixed 'Server Terminated' issue when starting the online server
Build 416-418 Releases
Build 416-418 (Termux, gnulinux, macOS)
Content and Fixes
- added ServerID, to fix login issue that revert player's progress to beginning for serveral hours
- added warning for android users when trying to start online about their bandwidth usage
- added warning to macOS for using ssh and android for data bandwidth
- empires-server Efficiency increased thus performance increases
- COMPUTERNAME patching implemented
- dependencies installed within empiresservercontainer thus become sort of a sandbox using virtualenv
- renaming from Mod to staging assets for better understanding
- rename into more reasonable and logically folder name to assets
- serverID regenerate in menu if there is some problem on the connection
- added update button for easy access to updates
- server menu has been updated to be categorized by groups to reduce clutter
- some menu has been renamed to get better understanding
- major compiler overhaul on assets Management and server Patching
- macOS weird behavior fixes
Game content updates
- fixed research crash
- initial for new powerups
- resources gets reduced
- autopickup drops
Build 319-325 Releases
Hello its been a while having a stable updates here it is
This Update Includes
- gnulinux Version of the server
- Termux version of the server
- macOS version of the server
Content Update :
Simpler installation command with 'curl'
ssh integration to 'curl' command
Updated Welcome screen with new logo
empires-server now can be start locally to play on PC
Compiler fixes
Added Proc Manager
port binding fix
PeriodicSnapshot fix
macOS installation fixes
gnulinux installation fixes
termux installation fixes
Merge with AcidCaos' repo 2020_04_26:
fix depleted z-units power-ups out of sync Nat 26/04/2020
obelisk fixed oshere1111 26/04/2020
xp on hover AcidCaos 25/04/2020
fixed resource needed buying oshere1111 24/04/2020
resource amount fix Nat 24/04/2020
generic buying item, invade basic battle Nat 24/04/2020
fixed unit buying oshere1111 24/04/2020
init custom name. favicon fix. AcidCaos 24/04/2020
fixed github repository link Willy030125 24/04/2020
fixed silence gap in battle music Willy030125 24/04/2020
fixed resources buying in build menu oshere1111 24/04/2020
player menu AcidCaos 23/04/2020
adding crewInfo when migrate oshere1111 23/04/2020
all govt adding crewInfo when migrate oshere1111 23/04/2020
crewing buildings Nat 21/04/2020 23:39
ability to cancel units, research, produce, ... Nat 21/04/2020 01:05
fix quest kill counter oshere1111 20/04/2020 23:46
fix build upgrade quests Nat 20/04/2020 19:35
progress fix oshere1111 19/04/2020 18:50
use general consumable oshere1111 19/04/2020 17:38
consumable quest progress oshere1111 18/04/2020 21:05
buy consumables oshere1111 17/04/2020 01:34
progress harvest consumable. powerup counting oshere1111 16/04/2020 02:10
invade neighbors initial Nat 14/04/2020 01:59
Obelisk fix
Build 260 Release for Termux
Build 260
- Invading feature has been implemented
- Major in-game bug fixes, including Obelisk bug, Quest bug, etc.
- Merge with AcidCaos' repo 2020_04_26:
see all changes in changelog
- fixed Periodic Snapshot is not working
- fixed 'ManualUpdate' menu is not working
Build 257 Release for GNU/Linux
This is a build for GNU/Linux. This build includes but not limited to :
Built on WSL 1 Ubuntu 18.04
Contents :
- GNU/Linux Executable Files
- base32 encoder decoder
- Merge with empires-server "mainstream" version
Fixes :
- Just like macOS but without homebrew
Build 246 macOS
This is a build for macOS. This build includes but not limited to :
Built on macOS 10.15.4
Contents :
- macOS Executable Files
- base64 encoder decoder
- Merge with empires-server "mainstream" version
Fixes :
- Homebrew Unknown parameter
- md5hash disabled due to unavailability of the binary
- aren't written by the compiler
Build 239-241
Build 239,240,241
These builds are the same is just it's built at different time
- Newer version mainline empires-server merge
- Domain changes to empires to RaiseTheEmpires on port forwarding
- updated SSA encoder and decoder
=-=-=--=-=-= Contents of this release =-=-=-=-=-= - Termux Executable file
- GNU/Linux Executable FIle
- macOS executable File
- RestoreSnapshot process fixed
- GNULinux multi Package manager
Build 210 Release
Build 210
- Added Local mode feature, now you can connect empires-server to PC via local IP
- Fixed 'ExportSave' and 'ImportSave' functions are not working
- ssh Stability improvements
Build 201 Release
Build 201
- Updated Welcome screen with new logo
- Simpler installation command with 'curl'
- Fixed UI for phone using 16:9 aspect ratio, the buttons shouldn't mess again
- Fixed UI for Desktop view
- Fixed 'pseudo-terminal will not be allocated' issue when bash using 'curl'