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v0.9.20 (CRAN)

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@RLumSK RLumSK released this 14 Jul 14:06
· 1846 commits to master since this release

Changes in version 0.9.20 (2022-07-14)

This package version requires R >= 4.1

Bugfixes and changes


  • Add support for sequences without TL curves in the sequence;
    however, the function still expects three OSL curves for natural,
    regenerated, and background signal.


  • The function works better if curves of different lengths are
    merged, but it still throws an error if the resolution is not


  • Add support for ... arguments las and axes


  • The plot.types = "single" and plot.type = "multiple.lines" had
    two long-standing issues with the colour rug (both are fixed):

    • The colour rug showed ugly overplotting,
    • the colour rug had a resolution that depended on the x-axis
      (wavelength) scaling.
  • plot.types = "single" and plot.type = "multiple.lines" now
    support a ... parameter box for removing the outer plot frame.
    The argument was named box to avoid a confusion with the term
    frames used for image stacks.

  • plot.types = "single" and plot.type = "multiple.lines" now
    support a ... parameter frames for picking the frames to be
    visualised beyond the axis limitation.


  • The function did not know how to hand the output, if the fit was
    LambertW; added.
  • The function now roughly checks whether all curves have used the
    same equation for the fitting, if not it throws an error.
  • The ... arguments allowed to modify the plot are now mentioned in
    the documentation.
  • The ... are better recycled to avoid a function crash in case the
    user did not provide the arguments in the required length.


  • The formula returned in the output if fit.method = "LambertW" was
    not correct; fixed. The fit and the fitting were not affected;


  • The example in the documentation was a little bit too generic and is
    now replaced by an example that works.


  • The running example was not working because it used outdated example
    data. The example was replaced by a working example using an actual
    BINX-file. (thanks @JohannesFriedrich for reporting, #110)
  • The terminal output of the function could not be silenced. Now the
    output (except for the progress bar, which can be switched off) is a
    message(), allowing to disable the terminal output.


  • Add new internal function .add_fancy_log_axis() to provide a more
    sophisticated log-axis to plots if needed with minor ticks and
    proper labelling.
  • Fix wrong usage of class() where needed