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v0.9.21 (CRAN)

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@RLumSK RLumSK released this 03 Feb 12:20
· 1686 commits to master since this release

Changes in version 0.9.21 (2023-02-03)

This package version requires R >= 4.1

Bugfixes and changes


  • The function can now handle a list of RLum.Analysis-class objects
    and automatically process them in a conventional way. Potential
    breaking change warning
    : the $summary data frame gained an
    additional column, SAMPLE. If you access columns index-based, you
    have to double-check your code. The manual was updated accordingly.
  • A new ... argument sample was added to allow adding information on
    the sample for the plot
  • The function did not like sequences with only one pair of OSL/IRSL and
    returned an error; fixed.


  • Add new argument single_table to enable the export of PSL data into
    a single spreadsheet table (CSV file), each curve is represented by
    two columns
  • Add new argument extract_raw_data, which allows extracting the raw
    data convienently. Those data are already imported by read_PSL2R()
    but they remain somewhat hidden in the @info slots of each
    RLum.Data.Curve object.


  • If the argument fit.calcError was set to TRUE and the parameter
    confidence interval calculation failed, the function stopped with an
    uncontrolled error. Now it shows a meaningful warning instead.


  • Fix a few visual problems if the dataset has negative values (thanks
    to Alice Versendaal for reporting)


  • Function crashed under edge conditions while testing concise records
    returning a subscript out-of-bounds error; fixed.
  • The function struggled to read files from downloads (URL instead of a
    local file path) correctly on Windows machines; fixed.


  • The function now accepts data.frame objects as input. This has no
    particular advantage over the base R functions, such as write.csv()
    but is used internally in combination with other functions.


  • Fix outdated URL in github.R