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v0.9.22 (CRAN)

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@RLumSK RLumSK released this 07 Aug 13:40
· 1621 commits to master since this release

Changes in version 0.9.22 (2023-08-07)

This package version requires R >= 4.1

New functions

  • subset_SingleGrainData(): the function provides a convenient sub
    setting of Risoe.BINFileData-class objects using a table of position
    and grain pairs

Bugfixes and changes


  • The function still contained a bug if the parameters were combined in
    a certain way; fixed.


  • Now silently handles RLum.Analysis-class objects imported via
    read_BIN2R(..., fastFoward = TRUE), this allows to use the function
    in a more general manner.


  • Does not anymore throw an error if the number of input objects was
    smaller than two. It just passes the input through unchanged.


  • The function now returns a clear error message if the input object is
    not of type RLum.Analysis
  • Edge case: the function does not crash anymore if used in a loop and
    if all equivalent doses were NA; it sill throws warnings though.
    (thanks to Annette Kadereit for reporting)


  • The behaviour of the parameter prefix caused confusion, because in
    combination with multiple files the function overwrote created files,
    although this was wanted behaviour now the prefix is always added to
    the automatically created files names.