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v0.9.26 (CRAN)

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@mcol mcol released this 18 Nov 13:30
· 933 commits to master since this release

Changes in version 0.9.26 (2024-11-18)

Removed functions

  • Function calc_Kars2008() (deprecated since version 0.8.1) is now
    officially defunct, calc_Huntley2006() should be used instead
    (#252, fixed in #257).



  • The function crashed with a object merge error if run in a loop
    because of a merge_RLum() error. This was caused by a regression
    while implementing the n_N calculation in plot_GrowthCurve().
    Potentially affected was also analyse_SAR.CWOSL().
  • The function now shows a warning and sets plot = FALSE when option
    plot.single = FALSE is set but the device size is too small. This
    should prevent “Figure margins too large” errors.
  • The function will not crash anymore during the plotting in another
    edge case related to single grain data.


  • The function crashed for mixed set of RLum.Analysis-class objects
    typically observed for single grain data, e.g., one object contains
    only TL curves while all others contain the OSL/IRSL data from the
    grain. As the function filters those records automatically, it
    crashed because the aliquot number assignment internally relied on
    the length of the object (regression, #373, fixed)


  • The function now produces a more correct rejection.criteria data
    frame (#245, fixed in #246).
  • Several edge cases that led to crashes have been fixed (#147, fixed
    in #247).


  • When the function was used on a list of RLum.Analysis-class
    objects with the argument null.rm = TRUE it would remove all
    NULL objects, but not elements that became list() (empty list)
    during the selection; fixed.
  • Fix an edge case that caused a rather non-expected, more visible
    output problem. When curves were selected via recordType on
    RLum.Analysis-class objects (or a list of them) containing only a
    single RLum.Data-class object, the function returned the
    RLum.Data.Curve-class object regardless of the selection in
    recordType. In other words: if a user tried recordType = "TL" on
    an RLum.Analysis-class object that contained only a single IRSL
    curve, the function would still return that single IRSL curve
    instead of an empty element. The reason for this behaviour was a
    poor attempt to deal with NA in the recordType name that led to
    missing values and unexpected behaviour for a logical comparison.
    Now, before the subset happens, NA values in recordType are
    converted to "NA" (a character), allowing us to fix the incorrect


  • Add support for lphi and ltheta light direction arguments for
    plot.type = "persp".
  • Fix the reason for the unclear warning In col.unique == col :
    longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length


  • Recently, non-ASCII characters in comments or file names have become
    more common and that led to crashes during the file export. To avoid
    this, now all non-ASCII characters are replaced by _ before
    writing them to the BIN/BINX files.
  • The function now returns the file path of the export.
  • Fix a bug that left connections open if the function crashed.


  • Two new internal functions .throw_warning() and .throw_error()
    sometimes flushed the terminal with messages if called (internally)
    in particular circumstances. Now we maintain a stack of function
    names, so that at any time we can report correctly the name of the
    function where an error or a warning is thrown (#254, fixed in

What's Changed

  • Post release version bump by @mcol in #240
  • Don't use the bbmle::profile() try_harder option in calc_MinDose() by @mcol in #241
  • Remove the windows-2019 (oldrel) instance from the CI actions by @mcol in #242
  • Add the expect_snapshot_RLum() test helper and start using it by @mcol in #244
  • Correct the rejection.criteria data frame created by analyse_SAR.TL() by @mcol in #246
  • Fix crashes in analyse_SAR.TL() by @mcol in #247
  • Silence notes raised by R CMD check by @mcol in #249
  • Use add = TRUE with on.exit() by @mcol in #255
  • Replace the implementation of .throw_error() and .throw_warning() by @mcol in #256
  • Set calc_Kars2008() as defunct by @mcol in #257

Full Changelog: v0.9.25...v0.9.26