I am an undergraduate student from Rajshahi, Bangladesh. I started working on web development from July 2023. During this time, I have learned the fundamentals of frontend web development and have endeavored to strengthen my basic knowledge in this field. I have also worked on a couple of projects. I intend to work on more projects and further explore the intricacies of web development.
Repository Link: Click Here
- Registered user can create, update his blog.
- User can add blog to wishlist
- User can comment, edit and also delete the comment on comment section of blog.
It's a blood donation management webapp
Repository Link: Click Here
- There are three rules in this website: donor, admin, volunteer
- Admin will be able to change user role to volunteer and admin
- Admin has all the privileges. Volunteer have only a few privileges like changing the request status and create blog.
Repository Link: Click Here
- After registration you will be able to create, update and delete taks from your dashboard
- You will be able to simply drag and drop task to update your status immediately.