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Working Code without PyTorch Model: Code
This is our working backend Python
model to write code.
- NOTE: This does not have PyTorch model working on backend since it takes enormous amount of time to process, hence this will provide a clearer version of our work so far.
- Basic Arithmetic Operations:
Enter your Input: // For Addition, Substraction, Multiplication, Division, Maximum, Minimum
>>> 2 3
Enter your Output:
>>> 5
Enter language of code:
>>> java
- Higher Mathematical Operations:
Enter your Input: // For the rest of the Mathematical Funtionalities
>>> 2
Enter your Output:
>>> 2048
Enter language of code:
>>> c++
- Data Structures Operations:
Enter your Input: // For Data Structures Functionalities
>>> 4 3 5 8 1
Enter your Output:
>>> 1 3 4 5 8
Enter language of code:
>>> c++
- Language Convertor:
Enter your Input: // For converting the language of code
>>> #include<stdio.h>
int main() {
float variable1, output;
scanf("%f", &variable1);
output=pow(variable1, 11);
printf("%f", output);
Enter language of converted code:
>>> python
Mystic though still-under-construction, in its beta release, will be transformed into a website based on
Back-end architecture connected withReactJS
based front-end designed on Adobe XD as well as an ordinary JavaScript Compiler with an exclusive access to Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University students for their academic as well as non-academic programming practices and interested candidates based on their relativistic and working module ideas that might take this project a step-forward will be allowed to contribute to this project.
- Mystic is an open-source project designed to help developers instantly get the most optimized code for their respective intended input and output with additionally providing them with 4 different coding language export namely
. - Originally, it is designed to provide the user with the most accurate math function concerning user-provided input-output and programming language they wanted the respective program in.
- Since then, Mystic has been expanded single-handedly in string operations like string appending as well as concatenation and deleting of a string and also in data structures operations like array sorting, linked-lists, and search trees as well as graph operations.
- As of now, programming of multi-language conversion is under development which when deployed will be able to convert a program from one programming language to another programming language among
. This will be handy for most of the programming project and user will be provided with instant language transfer as per his/her designed system compatibility. - Further,
andGraph Plot
as well asmatplotlib
have been incorporated to provide a quicker analysis of cumulative data sets fed as input. PyTorch
based Deep Learning Prediction model will be trained to further make system append log of data queries generated from the users globally while learning from it in due course.
This section scans the input and checks whether the data received is any programming language code or not, if not it further asks the user to enter the desired output and respective language they want this program in. The MasterControl then sends this data to which takes further steps to forward the data entries to respective intended language writers and its function generator to process out the procedure of writing code.
- is basically, the core-processor of the entire Input-Output Based Operations functionalities. The only module that reads the received input-output decides which operations should be executed and accordingly forwards the data to generate respective function and then further forward it to respective language
class to write down the entire code and provide the user with processed code in the desired language intended by the user. - Functionality Distributor:
- Mathematical Functionality
- String-related Functionality
- Data Structures Functionality
The underlying architecture of this entire module lies in interpreting and generating the mathematical function based on input-output that is provided by the user. By following a certain set of protocols as input, the user can easily get the desired mathematical function.
- Basic Arithmetic Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
- Power raise to N
- Nth Root
- Logarithm to the Base N
- Floor function
- Ceiling function
- Sine function
- Cosine function
- Tangent function
- Sine-Hyperbolic function
- Cosine-Hyperbolic function
- Tangent-Hyperbolic function
- Inverse Sine-Hyperbolic function
- Inverse Cosine-Hyperbolic function
- Inverse Tangent-Hyperbolic function
- Absolute Value Function
- Maximum function
- Minimum function
The underlying architecture of this entire module lies in interpreting and generating the function related to string and file handling like concatenation as well as changing cases and handling any grammatical error based on input-output that is provided by the user. By following a certain set of protocols as input, the user can be easily provided with the most significant algorithm based on the output generated.
- String Concatenation
- String Deletion
- Palindrome
The underlying architecture of this entire module lies in interpreting and generating the source data structure based on the input-output that is provided by the user. By following a certain set of protocols as input, the user can be easily provided with the most significant algorithm for the required data structure based on expected output. Here, the size of input matters, since asymptotic notations like Big-Oh is taken into consideration for evaluating certain parameters to generate expected outcomes.
- Sorting Algorithm based on input array size
This section scans the input and checks whether the data received is any programming language code or not, if yes it further asks the user to enter desired programming language they want this program in. The MasterControl then sends this data to which takes further steps to forward the program to respective intended languagetranslator which further forwards it to Interpreter. Here, the entire program irrespective of the programming language is converted into the interpreted mode and then it passes through languageConvertor to process out the procedure of writing code.
The underlying architecture of this entire module lies in recognizing and interpreting the programming language based on input that is provided by the user and converting it to the required programming language as suggested by the user. By following a certain set of protocols as input, the user can easily get the program in the required programming language