This repository contains tests to verify the functionality of OpenShift with OpenShift Virtualization
When running Windows tests, the cluster should have at least 16GiB RAM (XL deployment) and 80G volume size (default deployment configuration).
Upgrade tests must be run against a large deployment(24GiB RAM, 250GB volume size) Upgrade network tests can't be run against a non-multi-nic cluster. To run upgrade against such clusters, we must ignore network component
python >=3.12
Following binaries are needed:
sudo dnf install python3-devel \
libcurl-devel \
libxml-devel \
openssl-devel \
libxslt-devel \
libxml++-devel \
binary should be downloaded from consoleCliDownloads
resource of the cluster under test.
client should be downloaded from consoleCliDownloads
resource of the cluster under test.
We use uv to manage virtualenv.
To update one package:
uv lock --upgrade-package openshift-python-wrapper
To update all the packages
uv lock --upgrade
This project runs tests against a cluster with running CNV instance.
These tests can be executed against arbitrary OpenShift cluster with CNV installed.
You can login into such cluster via:
oc login -u user -p password
Or by setting KUBECONFIG
KUBECONFIG=<kubeconfig file>
When you want to run the test on k8s (and not okd/ocp) provider, you need to make sure that the
cluster can reach outside world to fetch docker images. Usually all that is required is adding the
following like to your system /etc/resolv.conf
If you need to use custom or system kubectl
, virtctl
or oc
instead of wrappers from local-cluster
define KUBECTL
environment variables to point to the binaries.
tests disrupt the cluster in different ways in order to build confidence in the robustness of OpenShift Virtualization
To run the chaos tests:
pytest <pytest_args> -m chaos
Log file 'pytest-tests.log' is generated with the full pytest output in openshift-virtualization-tests root directory. For each test failure cluster logs are collected and stored under 'tests-collected-info'.
To see verbose logging of a test run, add the following parameter:
pytest <test_to_run> -o log_cli=true
openshift-virtualization-tests would collect must-gather data, pexpect logs, alert data for failure analysis, when --data-collector argument is passed. Logs will be available under tests-collected-info/ folder for local runs and /data/tests-collected-info for containerized runs.
pytest <test_to_run> --data-collector
To skip must-gather collection on a given module or test, skip_must_gather_collection can be used:
To run a particular set of tests, you can use name pattern matching.
For example, to run all tests that contain test_clone_windows_vm
or test_migrate_vm
in their names:
pytest <pytest_args> -k "test_clone_windows_vm or test_migrate_vm"
To run all network component tests:
pytest <pytest_args> -m network
You can use marker matching to select tests based on their IP version type. The available markers are: ipv4 and ipv6. These markers are useful when running tests in an IPv4 or IPv6 single-stack cluster.
For example, to run only the IPV4 network tests:
uv run pytest -m "network and ipv4"
You can also run all IPV4 network tests in addition to all the other general tests that are not specifically marked with IP version type marker:
uv run pytest -m "network and not ipv6"
Installation tests allow us to use either the production
or osbs
catalogsource for deployment.
- Install test expects no cnv installation exists on the cluster. Installation of openshift-virtualization x.y._ is only supported on ocp x.y._
- CNV_VERSION_EXPLORER_URL environment variable expected to be set up for local runs. URL information can be found in Confluence.
In this case, installation of openshift virtualization would take place using redhat-operator catalogsource.
pytest tests/install_upgrade_operators/product_install/ --install --cnv-source production
In this case, installation would take place using a custom catalogsource using specified IIB image. Currently only installation using brew url is supported.
pytest tests/install_upgrade_operators/product_install/ --install --cnv-source osbs --cnv-image<image>
Current upgrade test automation allows us to run just the ocp/cnv/eus upgrade.
As default, the upgrade will run with pre and post upgrade validation of various components.
- Before running upgrade tests, please check "Cluster requirements" section to see minimum requirements in terms of cluster size.
- CNV_VERSION_EXPLORER_URL environment variable expected to be set up for local runs. URL information can be found in Confluence.
In this case, upgrade testing would always involve upgrading both ocp and cnv. Please note, in Y-1 -> Y upgrade, OCP must be upgraded first, followed by CNV upgrades. (e.g. upgrading from 4.Y latest z stream -> 4.Y+1.0, ocp must be upgraded to 4.Y+1 first, before cnv can be upgraded).
Here, no ocp upgrade is needed (e.g. 4.Y.z-1 -> 4.Y.z).
EUS-to-EUS updates are only viable between even-numbered minor versions of OpenShift Container Platform. (e.g 4.Y.z -> 4.Y+2.z)
Command to run entire upgrade test suite for ocp upgrade, including pre and post upgrade validation:
--upgrade ocp --ocp-image <ocp_image_to_upgrade_to>
Command to run only ocp upgrade test, without any pre/post validation:
-m ocp_upgrade --upgrade ocp --ocp-image <ocp_image_to_upgrade_to>
To upgrade to ocp version: 4.10.16, using, following command can be used:
--upgrade ocp --ocp-image
Note: OCP images information can be found at:
Currently, automation supports ocp upgrades using stable, ci, nightly and rc images for ocp
Command to run entire upgrade test suite for cnv upgrade, including pre and post upgrade validation:
--upgrade cnv --cnv-version <target_version> --cnv-source <osbs|production|staging> --cnv-image <cnv_image_to_upgrade_to>
Command to run only cnv upgrade test, without any pre/post validation:
-m cnv_upgrade --upgrade cnv --cnv-version <target_version> --cnv source <osbs|production|staging> --cnv-image <cnv_image_to_upgrade_to>
To upgrade to cnv 4.Y.z, using the cnv image that has been shipped, following command could be used:
--upgrade cnv --cnv-version 4.Y.z --cnv-source osbs --cnv-image <cnv_image_to_upgrade_to>
You must provide --eus-ocp-images via cli, which is two comma separated ocp images for EUS upgrade. The default target cnv version will be 4.Y+2.0. Optionally, --eus-csv-target-version can be provided for 4.Y+2.z version. Command to run entire upgrade test suite for EUS upgrade, including pre and post upgrade validation:
--upgrade eus --eus-ocp-images <ocp_image_version_4.y+1.z>,<ocp_image_version_4.y+2.z> --eus-cnv-target-version <4.Y+2.z|None>
The argument --upgrade_custom
can be used instead of --upgrade
to run custom upgrade lanes with non-default configurations (e.g., with customized HCO feature gates).
Note: custom upgrades should not be combined, to exclude unnecessary components --ignore
argument can be used (e.g. --ignore=tests/compute/upgrade_custom/swap/
There are other parameters that can be passed to the test suite if needed.
--junitxml /tmp/xunit_results.xml
pytest_jira plugin allows you to link tests to existing tickets. To use the plugin during a test run, use '--jira'. Issues are considered as resolved if their status appears in resolved_statuses (verified, release pending, closed), that are set as an environment variable in openshift-virtualization-tests GitHub repository, and saved to the temporary file jira.cfg. You can mark a test to be skipped if a Jira issue is not resolved. Example:
@pytest.mark.jira("CNV-1234", run=False)
You can mark a test to be marked as xfail if a Jira issue is not resolved. Example:
Matrix fixtures can be added in You can run a test using a subset of a simple matrix (i.e flat list), example:
To run a test using a subset of a complex matrix (e.g list of dicts), you'll also need to add
the following to openshift-virtualization-tests/
- Add
(the name must end with_matrix
Multiple keys can be selected by passing them with ,
Available storage classes can be found in
under storage_class_matrix
Two storage classes hostpath-csi-pvc-block and hostpath-csi-basic can be added to global config's storage_class_matrix, via command-line:
Note: hostpath-csi-pvc-block and hostpath-csi-basic are not expected to be deployed in the same cluster with lvms-vg1.
Using matrix fixtures requires providing a scope. Format:
You can customize existing matrix with function logic. For example, when tests need to run on storage matrix, but only on storage with snapshot capabilities.
Add a desired function logic to
def foo_matrix(matrix):
<customize matrix code>
return matrix
To override the matrix value, you can create your own global_config
file and pass the necessary parameters.
Example for AWS cluster:
--tc-file=tests/ --storage-class-matrix=px-csi-db-shared
Example for SNO cluster:
--tc-file=tests/ --storage-class-matrix=lvms-vg1
In order to run a test with a log level that is different from the default, use the --log-cli-level command line switch. The full list of possible log level strings can be found here:
When the switch is not used, we set the default level to INFO.
As of 2.6, VMs using common templates will require an existing golden image PVC. Golden image name - SRC_PVC_NAME Golden images namespace parameter - SRC_PVC_NAMESPACE (default: openshift-virtualization-os-images) The VM's created PVC will have the same name as the VM (NAME parameter).
- Fixtures prefixed with "golden_image_data_volume" are used to create golden image DV.
- Fixtures prefixed with "golden_image_vm" are used to create a VM from template, based on a golden image PVC. When using the fixtures, note their scopes. As golden image may be created once per class, it can be used by multiple VMs created under that class (scoped as function).
If your cluster does not have access to internal RedHat network - you may build openshift-virtualization-tests container and run it directly on a cluster.
Container can be generated and pushed using make targets.
make build-container
make push-container
export IMAGE_BUILD_CMD=<docker/podman> # default "docker"
export IMAGE_REGISTRY=<container image registry> # default ""
export REGISTRY_NAMESPACE=<your namespace> # default "openshift-cnv"
export OPERATOR_IMAGE_NAME=<image name> # default "openshift-virtualization-tests"
export IMAGE_TAG=<the image tag to use> # default "latest"
For running tests you need to have access to artifactory server with images.
Environment variables ARTIFACTORY_USER
expected to be set up for local runs.
For these credentials, please contact devops QE focal point via cnv-qe slack channel.
Also need to create the folder which should contain kubeconfig
, binaries oc
, virtctl
and ssh key for access
to nodes. This folder should be mounted to container during the run.
docker run -v "$(pwd)"/toContainer:/mnt/host:Z -e -e KUBECONFIG=/mnt/host/kubeconfig -e HTTP_IMAGE_SERVER="X.X.X.X"
docker run -v "$(pwd)"/toContainer:/mnt/host:Z -e -e KUBECONFIG=/mnt/host/kubeconfig \
uv run pytest --tc=server_url:"X.X.X.X" --storage-class-matrix=ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd-virtualization --default-storage-class=ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd-virtualization -m smoke
docker run -v "$(pwd)"/toContainer:/mnt/host:Z -e -e KUBECONFIG=/mnt/host/kubeconfig \
uv run pytest --tc=server_url:"X.X.X.X" --windows-os-matrix=win-10 --storage-class-matrix=ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd-virtualization --default-storage-class=ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd-virtualization -m ibm_bare_metal
Check containers/utility/
openshift-virtualization-tests is a public repository under the RedHatQE organization on GitHub.
git clone
cd openshift-virtualization-tests
git checkout <base_branch (main / cnv-4.15 / etc.)>
git pull
git checkout -b <name-your-local-branch>
<make your changes>
<run pre-commit>
git add <changed files>
git commit -m "<Your commit message>"
git push origin <your-local-branch>
Go to GitHub, open a Pull request for a relevant base branch:<name-your-local-branch>
git checkout -b <your-local-branch>
<make your changes>
<run pre-commit>
git add <changed files>
git commit -m "<Your commit message - new changes>"
git pull origin/<base_branch> (it does fetch + rebase)
git push origin <your-local-branch>
Determining the depth of verification steps for each patch is left for the author and their reviewer. It's required that the procedure used to verify a patch is listed in comments to the review request.
We use checks tools that are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml file To install pre-commit:
pip install pre-commit --user
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
Run pre-commit:
pre-commit run --all-files
pre-commit will try to fix the errors. If some errors where fixed, git add & git commit is needed again. commit-msg use gitlint (
To check for PEP 8 issues locally run:
Comment your GitHub PR:
You can add additional arguments when creating the container. Supported arguments can be found in the Dockerfile and Makefile of the openshift-virtualization-tests repository.
For example, this command will create a container with the openshift-virtualization-tests PR it was run against and the latest commit of a wrapper PR:
/build-and-push-container --build-arg OPENSHIFT_PYTHON_WRAPPER_COMMIT=<commit_hash>
Container created with the /build-and-push-container
command is automatically pushed to quay and can be used by
Jenkins test jobs for verification (see Run the Jenkins test jobs for openshift-virtualization-tests
section for more details).
Open relevant test jobs in jenkins
Click on Build with Parameters.
enter your cluster's name.
enter your image tag, example: openshift-virtualization-tests-github:pr-<pr_number>
This same field can be used to test a specific container created from a openshift-virtualization-tests PR.
To pass parameters to pytest command add them to PYTEST_PARAMS
for example -k 'network'
will run only tests that match 'network'
cd docs
make html
The HTML file location is: docs/build/html/index.html
To skip unprivileged_client
creation pass to pytest command:
is used to run command on nodes
and control_plane_utility_pods
are fixtures that hold the pods.
pod_exec = ExecCommandOnPod(utility_pods=workers_utility_pods, node=node)
out = pod_exec.exec(command=cmd, ignore_rc=True)
pycurl may fail with error: ImportError: pycurl: libcurl link-time ssl backend (nss) is different from compile-time ssl backend (none/other)
To fix it:
export PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=nss # or openssl. depend on the error (link-time ssl backend (nss))
uv run pip uninstall pycurl
uv run pip install pycurl --no-cache-dir
It is essential to have a good commit message if you want your change to be reviewed.
- Start with a short one line summary
- Followed by one or more explanatory paragraphs
- Use the present tense (fix instead of fixed)
- Use the past tense when describing the status before this commit
- Add a link to the related jira card (required for any significant automation work)
- The card will be automatically closed once PR is merged