This is a 3-page Single Page Application (SPA) built using React and Vite. The application is mobile responsive and consists of the following pages: ProductListing, ProductDetail, and Forms. It utilizes various plugins and libraries to handle routing, network calls, form management, and UI components.
- Implement List + Grid to show products
- Grid will have paginated products
- List can show all products and will be Virtualized
- Search input to search products by name
- Categories dropdown to filter products by Category
- Allow user to add a new product
- Show complete Product information
- Contains Edit & Delete buttons with relevant icons
- Ask for confirmation before deleting the product
- Let user edit the product
- User can add title, decription, pricing, discount for the product
- Browse and attach image to the product
- Show all the best suited controls based on data
- Let user reset the form
- Can add multiple products while remaining at the form page
- Form will be refilled when try to edit the existing product
- React Router to navigate among pages.
- Axios & React Query to handle network calls, cache, refetching, etc.
- React Hook Form to manage form state, validate inputs, handle form submission.
- React MaterialUI for UI components.
- React Virtuoso for implementing Virtualization.
Use Products APIs from dummyjson. Following APIs will be integrated into the system:
- Get all products in paginated form
- Get a single product
- Get all product categories
- Search products by Category
- Add/Update/Delete Product (CRUD APIs do not perform real actions on the server but only mimics the behavior)
- Localstorage will be used as a database to keep track of all the data changes done.
Documentation for the following things will be provided separately:
- Working Postman collection will be provided for all APIs
- Static document containing API URLs, payloads & responses to cross-check any new changes in the APIs
- Document containing screenshots of the UI
- Pointers explaining both UI & UX
- Clone the repository.
- Install dependencies using
npm install
. - Run the application using
npm run dev
For detailed instructions and more information, please refer to the provided documentation.