This application handles the order creation and other order related operations.
- Download any IDE that work with Gradle and Springboot
- Install MongoDb
- setup local mongodb
- Create database named
and collection namedorderDetails
- Install Kafka
- Install zookeeper and kakfa
- Run the below command to create topic
kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic order-details
- Run the below commands to start zookeeper and kafka
zookeeper-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/ kafka-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/
- Java
- Springboot
- Kafka
- MongoDb
Note: (Please find the Postman_collection.json in this repo for all endpoints samples)
OpenAPI spec available at - http://localhost:8090/order_management/v1/api-docs
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8090/order_management/v1/orders/ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-auth-token: 40d7339f-006d-4918-bdb0-1743f31b6da5' \
-d '{
"customerName": "Rekha",
"address" : "TamilNadu",
"contactNo" : "9876543210",
"orderStatus" : "PLACED",
"productDetails" :[{
"productId" : "123",
"category" : "decor",
"price" : 2010.50
"productId" : "1768",
"category" : "kitchen",
"price" : 7010.50
Sample Response:
- Unique Order Id is generated
- Total price is calculated
"orderId": "6a1f7139-dd32-465d-9625-3acb324eb892",
"createdTimestamp": "2021-09-25 11:10:28 UTC",
"updatedTimestamp": "2021-09-25 11:10:28 UTC",
"customerName": "Rekha",
"address": "TamilNadu",
"contactNo": "9876543210",
"orderStatus": "PLACED",
"productDetails": [
"productId": "123",
"category": "decor",
"price": 2010.5
"productId": "1768",
"category": "kitchen",
"price": 7010.5
"totalPrice": 9021
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:8090/order_management/v1/orders/6a1f7139-dd32-465d-9625-3acb324eb892 \
-H 'x-auth-token: 40d7339f-006d-4918-bdb0-1743f31b6da5'
"orderId": "6a1f7139-dd32-465d-9625-3acb324eb892",
"createdTimestamp": "2021-09-25 11:10:28 UTC",
"updatedTimestamp": "2021-09-25 11:10:35 UTC",
"customerName": "Rekha",
"address": "TamilNadu",
"contactNo": "9876543210",
"orderStatus": "PROCESSED",
"productDetails": [
"productId": "123",
"category": "decor",
"price": 2010.5
"productId": "1768",
"category": "kitchen",
"price": 7010.5
"totalPrice": 9021