Angus Paint is an Application for the Android mobile Operating System. The purpose of the Angus Paint app was to design an app that would meet the requirements that are listed below. This Project was assigned as part of a technical interview.
This Application is Basic Paint Application
We would like you to design a simple paint application. This app should have a main activity with a canvas that allows the user to draw and save basic pictures/paintings. The application should be able to run in portrait or landscape mode, and should contain an ActionBar with a few buttons and a menu, and should save a users painting in the event they accidentally close the app. More speci?c core features are listed below, the rest is entirely up to you!
Core Feature Requirements:
- Main activity with a large canvas for drawing
- ActionBar with at least three buttons: Load, Save, New
- ActionBar Menu which contains at least:
- About - Should bring up a dialog with some information about you/app
- FAQ/Directions - Should open a new activity with directions of how to use the app
- One spherical brush minimum with 3 di?erent sizes
- Color choices (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, White, Black)
- Save an image to the phone
- Load an image from phone storage and paint on it with the app
- Portrait and landscape functionality, and saved-state for switching between apps and back
Suggested Bonus/Challenge Features:
- Share an image through text/email or other choices
- Various brush shapes and sizes
- Full color palette that allows any choice using RGB or HSV
- Capture a new image from camera to paint on