- Docker
- Python 3.8
- Django
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Jupyterlab
- Recaptcha
- Bootstrap
- SB Admin
- Jquery
- Select2
- Django restframework
- Swagger
- Flake
|__ account
|__ bl (bussiness logics)
|__ utils.py (utility functions)
|__ fixtures (default users json)
|__ templates (html)
|__ emails (email templates html)
|__ ...others html
|__ forms.py (login and signup forms)
|__ models.py
|__ factories.py (creational class for User)
|__ tests.py (unit and integration tests)
|__ urls.py (urls related to account management)
|__ views.py
|__ api
|__ tests
|__ integration
|__ tests_*.py
|__ mock.py (custom mock functions/classes/data)
|__ views.py
|__ urls.py
|__ backend_test
|__ ...config py files
|__ tasks.py (celery tasks)
|__ bin (utility bash scripts)
|__ *.sh (bash scripts)
|__ common-templates (general purpose templates html)
|__ dashboard
|__ bl (bussiness logics)
|__ bot.py (class for parsing a msg and send an slack notification)
|__ data.py (data structures, constants)
|__ utils.py (utility functions)
|__ fixtures (default meals and menu json)
|__ templates (html)
|__ ...others html
|__ tests
|__ integration
|__ tests_*.py
|__ unit
|__ tests_*.py
|__ mock.py (custom mock functions/classes/data)
|__ context_processor.py (global variables in templates)
|__ models.py
|__ factories.py (creational classes for Meal and Menu)
|__ managers.py (override objects)
|__ urls.py (urls related to menu and order for employees)
|__ serializers.py (django-restframework model handlers: used for api)
|__ signals.py (a post_save signal for menu model)
|__ def schedule_menu (used to create a async celery task)
|__ views.py
|__ menu (public sites for employees' actions)
|__ bl (bussiness logics)
|__ utils.py (utility functions)
|__ data.py (data structures, constants)
|__ fixtures (default order json: used for testing)
|__ templates (html)
|__ ...others html
|__ tests
|__ integration
|__ tests_*.py
|__ unit
|__ tests_*.py
|__ exceptions.py (invalid form handlers)
|__ forms.py (order forms)
|__ models.py
|__ urls.py (urls related to menu and order for employees)
|__ views.py
|__ static (all css, js, imgs files used in templates)
|__ ...others files
|__ sba2 (boostrap admin 2 template)
cp env.example .env
make up
- Run inside backend container:
sh bin/init-migrations.sh
- Run inside backend container:
sh bin/load-init.sh
m* Run inside backend container:dev up
make rebuild
make reset
- Local:
- Run inside backend container:
sh bin/run-tests.sh
- Run inside backend container:
sh bin/run-coverages.sh report_name_file.txt
- Run inside backend container:
/docker-entrypoint.sh celery
- in backend_test/settings.py you can change these values
# 9:15 AM
"hours": 9, # use: 0 to 23
"minutes": 15, # use: 0 to 59
# 11:00 AM
MAX_HOUR_TO_ORDER = 11 # use: 0 to 23
UTC_TZ_OFFSET = -4 # for chile
- It's used as follow:
SCHEDULE_MENU_TIME it's the time when notification is about to trigger if you schedule the menu days before (Create button)
If you create a menu for the current date (TODAY) or in the past (weird case), it'll omit SCHEDULE_MENU_TIME and notification will be sent 5 minutes later.
If you set MAX_HOUR_TO_ORDER, it's the time to validate an order for employees past the time, it throws an exception message in form "Not valid time"
UTC_TZ_OFFSET is used to change the UTC time. It's a lazy way to handle dates but it works for now.
Note: Please use valid numbers as shows in comments