Humidifier allows you to build AWS CloudFormation templates programmatically. Stacks and resources are represented as C# objects with accessors for all their supported properties.
The code is automatically generated by parsing the official Cloudformation specification.
- Humidifier (Ruby)
- GoFormation (Go)
- FluidHumidifier:
- Adds factories, decorators, and more of framework for making cloudformation scripts, besides just "raw DTOs"
dotnet add package RonSijm.Humidifier
dotnet add package RonSijm.Humidifier.Json
Stacks are represented by the Humidifier.Stack class. Resources are represented by an exact mapping from AWS resource names to Humidifier resources names (e.g. AWS::EC2::Instance becomes Humidifier.EC2.Instance). Resources have properties for each JSON attribute.
Q: What is this fork?
A: The original project hasn't been updated in 4 years, so I'm not sure if it's still maintained. And since it was created 4 years ago, a lot has changed in CloudFormation. And I wanted to use these things for my CloudFormation.
Luckily the original author Jake Scott probably anticipated that a lot would change, and made a generator to update everything.
This Fork runs the generator daily, and publishes a new nuget if there is an update available.
Q: Why did you prefix the fork with RonSijm.
A: I'm publishing a NuGet so other people can use it, I cannot use the exact same name (Humidifier) in Nuget.
For compatibility reasons I haven't updated any or the original namespaces or whatever, so this fork should be compatible with the original version as substitute
</end of Fork Note, original Readme starts below>
There used to Project templates to get started easier. It's not that complicated to get started, just install the nuget and get started.
Fork is now detached from The original - because features are missing in forks in github, like issues.
There's also a demo application which creates a sample cloudformation script
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Humidifier.IoT1Click;
using Humidifier.Json;
using Humidifier.Lambda.FunctionTypes;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace Humidifier.ConsoleTest
public static class Program
public static void Main()
Stack stack = BuildStack();
var serializer = new JsonStackSerializer();
var template = serializer.Serialize(stack);
File.WriteAllText("cloudformation.template", template);
private static Stack BuildStack()
// Stack
var stack = new Stack
AWSTemplateFormatVersion = "2010-09-09",
Description = "Description",
Transform = "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"
// Mappings
stack.Add("RegionMap", new Mapping
["us-east-1"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["32"] = "ami-6411e20d", ["64"] = "ami-7a11e213" },
["us-west-1"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["32"] = "ami-c9c7978c", ["64"] = "ami-cfc7978a" },
["ue-west-1"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["32"] = "ami-37c2f643", ["64"] = "ami-31c2f645" },
["ap-southeast-1"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["32"] = "ami-66f28c34", ["64"] = "ami-60f28c32" },
["ap-northeast-1"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["32"] = "ami-9c03a89d", ["64"] = "ami-a003a8a1" }
// Parameter
stack.Add("Environment", new Parameter
Type = "String",
Description = "Deployment environment",
MinLength = 3,
MaxLength = 4,
AllowedValues = new List<string> { "test", "uat", "prod" },
ConstraintDescription = "Allowed values: [test, uat, prod]"
stack.Add("AutomationStack", new Parameter
Type = "String",
Description = "Automation stack name",
MinLength = 1,
MaxLength = 255,
AllowedPattern = "^[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*$",
ConstraintDescription = "Must be a valid Cloudformation Stack name"
stack.Add("CodeS3Key", new Parameter
Type = "String",
MinLength = 3
stack.Add("SubnetIds", new Parameter
Type = "String",
MinLength = 3
stack.Add("SecurityGroup", new Parameter
Type = "String",
MinLength = 3
// Conditions
stack.Add("CreateProdResources", new Condition(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "prod")));
stack.Add("CreateDevResources", new Condition(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "dev")));
stack.Add("NotCondition", new Condition(Fn.Not(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "prod"))));
new Condition(
Fn.Equals("sg-mysqgroup", Fn.Ref("SecurityGroup")),
new { Condition = "NotCondition" }
new Condition(
Fn.Equals("sg-mysqgroup", Fn.Ref("SecurityGroup")),
new { Condition = "NotCondition" }
// Outputs
stack.Add("DeploymentBucket", new Output
Value = Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket"),
Export = new { Name = Fn.Sub("${AWS::StackName}-DeploymentBucket") },
Description = Fn.Sub("BucketName: ${BucketName}, DomainName: ${DomainName}", new Dictionary<string, dynamic>
["BucketName"] = Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket"),
["DomainName"] = Fn.GetAtt("DeploymentBucket", S3.Bucket.Attributes.DomainName)
stack.Add("AutomationServiceRole", new Output
Value = Fn.GetAtt("AutomationServiceRole", IAM.Role.Attributes.Arn),
Export = new { Name = Fn.Sub("${AWS::StackName}-AutomationServiceRole") }
stack.Add("KmsKeyArn", new Output
Value = Fn.GetAtt("KmsKey", KMS.Key.Attributes.Arn),
Export = new { Name = Fn.Sub("${AWS::StackName}-KmsKeyArn") }
stack.Add("MonitoringSnsTopicArn", new Output
Value = Fn.Ref("MonitoringSnsTopic"),
Export = new { Name = Fn.Sub("${AWS::StackName}-MonitoringSnsTopicArn") }
// Resources
stack.Add("Volume", new EC2.Volume
Size = Fn.If("CreateProdResources", valueIfTrue: "100", valueIfFalse: "10"),
AvailabilityZone = Fn.GetAtt("Ec2Instance", EC2.Instance.Attributes.AvailabilityZone)
condition: "CreateProdResources"); // Condition example
stack.Add("VPC", new EC2.VPC
CidrBlock = "",
EnableDnsSupport = false,
EnableDnsHostnames = false,
InstanceTenancy = "dedicated",
Tags = new List<Tag>
new Tag { Key = "foo", Value = "bar" }
stack.Add("Subnet", new EC2.Subnet
VpcId = Fn.Ref("VPC"),
CidrBlock = "",
AvailabilityZone = Fn.Select("0", Fn.GetAZs(Fn.Ref("AWS::Region")))
stack.Add("DbInstance", new RDS.DBInstance
AllocatedStorage = "5",
DBInstanceClass = "db.m1.small",
Engine = "MySQL",
EngineVersion = "5.5",
MasterUsername = "MyName",
MasterUserPassword = "MyPassword"
// Manually add a dependency to a resource
stack.AddDependsOn("Ec2Instance", "DbInstance");
stack.AddDependsOn("Ec2Instance", "DbInstance", "DbInstance", "Subnet");
// Manually add a condition to a resource
stack.AddCondition("Ec2Instance", "CreateProdResources");
stack.AddCondition("Ec2Instance", "CreateProdResources");
stack.Add("Ec2Instance", new EC2.Instance
ImageId = Fn.FindInMap("RegionMap", Fn.Ref("AWS::Region"), "64"),
InstanceType = Fn.If("CreateProdResources", "c1.xlarge", Fn.If("CreateDevResources", "m1.large", "m1.small")),
UserData = Fn.Base64(
@"#!/bin/bash -e
dpkg -i chef_11.6.2-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb"
}, condition: "CreateProdResources", dependsOn: new[] { "DbInstance", "Subnet" });
stack.AddDependsOn("Ec2Instance", "DbInstance", "DbInstance");
stack.AddDependsOn("Ec2Instance", "DbInstance");
stack.AddCondition("Ec2Instance", "CreateProdResources");
stack.AddCondition("Ec2Instance", "CreateProdResources");
stack.Add("AutomationServiceRole", new IAM.Role
AssumeRolePolicyDocument = new PolicyDocument
Statement = new List<Statement>
new Statement
Effect = "Allow",
Principal = new { Service = "" },
Action = "sts:AssumeRole"
stack.Add("KinesisFirehoseRole", new IAM.Role
AssumeRolePolicyDocument = new PolicyDocument
Statement = new List<Statement>
new Statement
Effect = "Allow",
Principal = new { Service = "" },
Action = "sts:AssumeRole",
Condition = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, dynamic>>
["StringEquals"] = new Dictionary<string, dynamic> { ["sts:ExternalId"] = Fn.Ref("AWS::AccountId") },
["DateGreaterThan"] = new Dictionary<string, dynamic> { ["aws:CurrentTime"] = "2013-08-16T12:00:00Z" },
["DateLessThan"] = new Dictionary<string, dynamic> { ["aws:CurrentTime"] = "2013-08-16T15:00:00Z" },
["IpAddress"] = new Dictionary<string, dynamic> { ["aws:SourceIp"] = new [] { "", "" } },
["StringLikeIfExists"] = new Dictionary<string, dynamic> { ["ec2:InstanceType"] = new [] { "t1.*", "t2.*", "m3.*" } },
["Null"] = new Dictionary<string, dynamic> { ["aws:TokenIssueTime"] = new [] { "true" } }
stack.Add("DeploymentBucket", new S3.Bucket
BucketName = Fn.Ref("AWS::StackName")
deletionPolicy: DeletionPolicy.Retain, metadata: new { SomeProp = "SomeProp", AnotherProp = "AnotherProp" });
stack.Add("ImageBucket", new S3.Bucket
BucketName = Fn.Join("", Fn.Ref("AWS::StackName"), "-images")
stack.AddDeletionPolicy("ImageBucket", DeletionPolicy.Retain);
stack.AddResourceMetadata("ImageBucket", new { Object1 = "Location1", Object2 = "Object2" });
stack.Add("DeploymentBucketPolicy", new S3.BucketPolicy
Bucket = Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket"),
PolicyDocument = new PolicyDocument
Version = "2012-10-17",
Statement = new List<Statement>
new Statement
Effect = "Allow",
Principal = new
AWS = Fn.GetAtt("AutomationServiceRole", IAM.Role.Attributes.Arn)
Action = "s3:*",
Resource = new[]
Fn.Join("", "arn:aws:s3:::", Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket")),
Fn.Join("", "arn:aws:s3:::", Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket"), "/*")
stack.Add("KinesisStream", new Kinesis.Stream
Name = "MyStream",
RetentionPeriodHours = 24
stack.Add("KinesisStreamMapping", new Lambda.EventSourceMapping
Enabled = true,
EventSourceArn = Fn.GetAtt("KinesisStream", Kinesis.Stream.Attributes.Arn)
dependsOn: new[] { "KinesisStream" });
stack.Add("LambdaFunction", new Lambda.Function
Timeout = 30,
FunctionName = new { Ref = "AWS::StackName" },
Runtime = "dotnetcore1.0",
Description = "",
Handler = "SomeProject::SomeProject.SomeFunction::FunctionHandler",
MemorySize = 256,
Code = new Code
S3Bucket = Fn.ImportValue(Fn.Sub("${AutomationStack}-DeploymentBucket")),
S3Key = new { Ref = "CodeS3Key" },
Environment = new Lambda.FunctionTypes.Environment
Variables = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>
["EnvironmentName"] = Fn.Ref("Environment")
stack.Add("MonitoringSnsTopic", new SNS.Topic
DisplayName = Fn.Ref("AWS::StackName"),
Subscription = new List<SNS.Subscription>
new SNS.Subscription { Endpoint = "[email protected]", Protocol = "email" }
stack.Add("KmsKey", new KMS.Key
Description = "A Key",
KeyPolicy = new PolicyDocument
Id = "key-default-1",
Version = "2012-10-17",
Statement = new List<Statement>
new Statement
Sid = "Allow the administration of the key",
Effect = "Allows",
Principal = new {AWS = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice"},
Action = new[]
Resource = "*"
stack.Add("LaunchConfig", new AutoScaling.LaunchConfiguration
ImageId = "ami-e689729e",
InstanceType = "t2.micro",
UserData = ""
stack.Add("AutoScalingGroupScheduledAction", new AutoScaling.ScheduledAction
AutoScalingGroupName = Fn.Ref("AutoScalingGroup"),
DesiredCapacity = 2,
StartTime = "2017-06-02T20:00:00Z"
stack.Add("AutoScalingGroup", new AutoScaling.AutoScalingGroup
AvailabilityZones = Fn.GetAZs(""),
LaunchConfigurationName = Fn.Ref("LaunchConfig"),
DesiredCapacity = 1,
MinSize = 1,
MaxSize = 2
creationPolicy: new CreationPolicy
ResourceSignal = new ResourceSignal
Count = 3,
Timeout = "PT15M"
updatePolicy: new UpdatePolicy
AutoScalingScheduledAction = new AutoScalingScheduledAction
IgnoreUnmodifiedGroupSizeProperties = true
AutoScalingRollingUpdate = new AutoScalingRollingUpdate
MinInstancesInService = 2,
MaxBatchSize = "2",
WaitOnResourceSignals = true,
PauseTime = "PT10M"
metadata: new { Key1 = "Value1", Key2 = "Value2" });
stack.Resources.Add("AspNetCoreFunction", new Humidifier.Serverless.Function
Handler = "MyCoolProject.Lambda.WebApi::MyCoolProject.Lambda.WebApi.LambdaEntryPoint::FunctionHandlerAsync",
Runtime = "dotnetcore2.0",
CodeUri = "",
MemorySize = 256,
Timeout = 30,
Role = null,
Policies = new[] { "AWSLambdaFullAccess" },
Environment = new Serverless.FunctionTypes.Environment
Variables = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>
["ENV"] = "test"
Events = new Dictionary<string, Serverless.FunctionTypes.EventSource>
["Any"] = new Serverless.FunctionTypes.ApiEventSource
Properties = new Serverless.FunctionTypes.ApiEventSourceProperties
Path = "/{proxy+}",
Method = "ANY"
stack.Resources.Add("IoTPlacement", new Placement
Attributes_ = new
Name = "Test"
stack.AddTemplateMetadata("AWS::CloudFormation::Interface", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(@"{
'ParameterGroups': [
'Label': {
'default': 'Network Configuration'
'Parameters': [
'Label': {
'default': 'Amazon EC2 Configuration'
'Parameters': [
'ParameterLabels': {
'VPCID': {
'default': 'Which VPC should this be deployed to?'
return stack;
private static void FnExamples()
Fn.FindInMap("RegionMap", Fn.Ref("AWS::Region"), "64");
Fn.GetAtt("MyElb", ElasticLoadBalancing.LoadBalancer.Attributes.DNSName);
Fn.Join("", "arn:aws:s3:::", Fn.Ref("DeployBucket"), "/*");
Fn.Select("1", new[] { "a", "b", "c" });
Fn.Split("|", "a|b|c");
Fn.Select("1", Fn.Split("|", "a|b|c"));
// CidrBlock: !Select [1, !Cidr [!Ref cidrBlock, !Ref count, !Ref maskSizeForIPv4]]
Fn.Cidr("a", "b", "c");
// Because JSON doesn't allow newlines, there's a known hack where you can join multiple lines together using Fn::Join
"#!/bin/bash -e\n",
"dpkg -i chef_11.6.2-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb\n"
// But that's gross and unreadable, we have a better way! Use a multiline C# string, and let the library take care of encoding it for you.
// - Whitespace on the start of the line is trimmed, so feel free to indent you code nicely.
// - Newlines are encoded as \r\n automatically by NewtonSoft.Json
@"#!/bin/bash -e
dpkg -i chef_11.6.2-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb"
You can use CFN intrinsic functions and references using Fn.[name]. Those will build appropriate structures that know how to be dumped to CFN syntax appropriately.
Fn.FindInMap("RegionMap", Fn.Ref("AWS::Region"), "64");
Fn.GetAtt("MyElb", ElasticLoadBalancing.LoadBalancer.Attributes.DNSName);
Fn.Join("", "arn:aws:s3:::", Fn.Ref("DeployBucket"), "/*");
Fn.Select("1", new[] { "a", "b", "c" });
Fn.Split("|", "a|b|c");
Fn.Select("1", Fn.Split("|", "a|b|c"));
NOTE: Because JSON doesn't allow newlines, there's a known hack where you can join multiple lines together using Fn::Join
"#!/bin/bash -e\n",
"dpkg -i chef_11.6.2-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb\n"
But that's gross and unreadable when outputted as JSON. Instead use a multiline C# string, and let the library take care of encoding it for you:
- Whitespace on the start of the line is trimmed, which means you can indent your code nicely (Like you can in YAML).
- Newlines are encoded as
automatically by NewtonSoft.Json.
@"#!/bin/bash -e
dpkg -i chef_11.6.2-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb"
stack.Add("CreateProdResources", new Condition(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "prod")));
stack.Add("CreateDevResources", new Condition(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "dev")));
stack.Add("NotCondition", new Condition(Fn.Not(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "prod"))));
new Condition(
Fn.Equals("sg-mysqgroup", Fn.Ref("SecurityGroup")),
new { Condition = "NotCondition" }
new Condition(
Fn.Equals("sg-mysqgroup", Fn.Ref("SecurityGroup")),
new { Condition = "NotCondition" }
To specify a condition on a resource use the overload to stack.Add
and pass in the condition
stack.Add("Volume", new EC2.Volume
Size = 100,
AvailabilityZone = Fn.GetAtt("Ec2Instance", EC2.Instance.Attributes.AvailabilityZone)
condition: "CreateProdResources");