Implementation of a comparative analysis to find the best ML model for classifying dry eye disease from healthy controls using metabolomics datasets.
These scripts examine and display visual representations of .bedGraph and .bed files associated with CHIP-seq datasets.
Decode coverage.bedGraph files that use the run-length encoding format.
Implementation of a Peak detection pipeline in Python using machine learning models and sliding window on the H3K9me3_TDH_BP ChIP-seq dataset.
CUHK03 extracted images from the .mat file
Person Re-identification with transfer learning on CUHK01 dataset.
A personality-aware group recommendation system based on pairwise preferences
Predicting missing pairwise preferences from similarity features in group decision making and group recommendation system
A Jupyter notebook for a project centered around 'Group Recommendation Systems (GRS)' utilizing the 'GcPp' clustering approach.
Adversarial Preference Learning with Pairwise Comparisons for Group recommendation System
This repository contains a Python script that implements a novel group recommender system based on the research paper titled "A novel group recommender system based on members’ influence and leader…