Developed an AI-based approach for controlling the mouse movement using Python and openCV with real-time camera that detects hand landmarks, tracks gesture patterns instead of a physical mouse.
Please install all the required dependencies.
- openCV
- mediapipe
- autopy
- numpy
Open you COMMAND PROMPT in Administrator and Execute below commands
pip install opencv-python
For image processing and drawing OpenCV is a Python library that allows you to perform image processing and computer vision tasks.
pip install numpy
Numpy is an Array used to perform a wide variety of mathematical operations on arrays. NumPy arrays are faster and more compact than Python lists
pip install autopy
For controlling the mouse movement and click AutoPy is a simple, cross-platform GUI automation toolkit for Python. It includes functions for controlling the keyboard and mouse
pip install mediapipe
For Hand Tracking Mediapipe is a cross-platform library developed by Google that provides amazing ready-to-use ML solutions for computer vision tasks. OpenCV library in python is a computer vision library that is widely used for image analysis, image processing, detection, recognition
Run the
python file.