Playing with v4l2 and opencv;
This is about trying to get frames from a CSI camera plugged into a Nano and then MATtify those frames to be able to play with them on opencv. Reason to do this is to find alternatives to gstreamer and libargus, let's see where this goes.
Platform: Jetson Nano dev kit
Camera: imx219
1 First camera frame capture: v4l2_frame_capture.c DONE, not OpenCV yet
2 Convert raw pic to RGB or something (debayer): opencv_frame_demosaicing.cpp DONE
3 Create continuous stream: v4l2_video_capture.c, video_capture.h DONE / opencv_video.cpp DONE.
Execute with ./video_capture
CONCLUSION: getting frames on a thread and then demosaicing/debayering with opencv (uploading to GPU with CUDA) in another, basically works. At the beginning thought performance was rubbish but basically the problem was imshow() being slow over the network. So yeah, it does work but it is not an improvement over GSTreamer or libargus