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This repository contains data and code necessary for assembling the PRECISE-1K E. coli K-12 MG1655 expression and transcriptional regulation knowledgebase, including computing and analyzing iModulons, analyzing expression patterns, and generating all figures for the associated publication.

This repository also includes data, assembly, iModulon computation, and analysis for the larger, 2710-sample "Public K-12" RNA-seq resource.

To analyze new data with the PRECISE-1K knowledgebase, we recommend starting with the lightweight precise1k-analyze repository.

For an overview of iModulons, we recommend iModulonDB's About Page.



Ensure you have Python 3.6+, Jupyter (pip install jupyterlab), and the iModulon analysis package pymodulon installed (pip install pymodulon).

pymodulon documentation can be found here.

Installing pymodulon using pip will install all other needed packages.

Then, clone this repository onto your local machine by executing the following command in your command prompt/terminal: git clone This command will copy this repository to a folder called precise1k in the directory from which the command was executed. This repository contains many data files, so cloning may take a few minutes.


The repository is split into 2 subdirectories: data and notebooks. All analyses are presented in the form of Jupyter notebooks in the notebooks subdirectory, utilizing data from the data directory.


The data directory contains further subdirectories with the following constituent files:

  • annotation: contains gene and regulatory network annotations for K-12 MG1655
    • gene_info.csv: a table of gene metadata for K-12 MG1655, assembled primarily from NCBI RefSeq NC_000913.3 and the E. coli K-12 MG1655 Bitome
    • TRN.csv: a table containing regulatory annotations (i.e. regulator->gene links), assembled primarily from RegulonDB and EcoCyc
  • k12_modulome: contains sample metadata, QC statistics, iModulon M and A matrices, and iModulon metadata for the "Public K-12" dataset, which consists of PRECISE-1K (1035 samples) combined with 1,675 high-quality publicly available samples
    • A.csv: the iModulon A (activity) natrix computed for the Public K-12 dataset
    • Escherichia_coli_20220127.tsv: raw metadata for publicly-available E. coli RNA-seq data downloaded from SRA on 1/27/2022 using the modulome workflow
    • K12_metadata.tsv: curated public sample metadata for RNA-seq samples identified as coming from E. coli strain K-12
    • M.csv: the iModulon M (modulon) matrix computed for the Public K-12 dataset
    • bioproject_list.csv: the raw list of unique BioProjects from Escherichia_coli_20220127.tsv
    • bioproject_list_curated.csv: a manually curated set of BioProjects from bioproject_list.csv
    • component_stats.csv: raw statistics for the Public K-12 iModulons
    • counts.csv: the raw read counts computed from the raw public read data in K12_metadata.tsv using the modulome RNA-seq processing workflow
    • imodulon_table.csv: the iModulon metadata table, containing iModulon regulatory enrichment statistics, functional categorizations, and other metadata
    • k12_modulome.json.gz: the IcaData object for the Public K-12 dataset, containing the imodulon_table, M, and A matrices - for use with pymodulon
    • k12_only_p1k_ctrl.json.gz and k12_only_proj_reg.json.gz: IcaData objects for iModulons computed using just the publicly available data (i.e. without appending it to PRECISE-1K)
    • metadata_qc.csv: the final, curated sample metadata for the Public K-12 dataset, without PRECISE-1K metadata
    • metadata_qc_blah: intermediate metadata files containing samples that were excluded during various QC steps (see Public K-12 QC notebook Pt 1 and Public K-12 QC notebook Pt 2
    • multiqc_stats.tsv: raw QC statistics for the publicly-available samples
    • NOTE: log_tpm files for the public dataset are not provided as they are too large for GitHub - please contact us for these.
  • precise: contains iModulon files from the original PRECISE publication (also available at iModulonDB's PRECISE-278 page)
    • A.csv: iModulon A (activity) matrix
    • M.csv: iModulon M (modulon) matrix
    • M_thresholds.csv: thresholds for determining iModulon gene membership from M
    • iM_table.csv/imodulon_table.csv: iModulon metadata, including regulatory enrichments
    • log_tpm.csv: log2[TPM] data (i.e. PRECISE itself)
    • log_tpm_norm.csv: log2[TPM] data, centered to the control condition (M9 glucose) - also known as the X matrix, or the direct input to the ICA pipeline
    • metadata_qc.csv: curated sample information for PRECISE - slightly modified from sample_table.csv
    • precise.json.gz: an IcaData object containing PRECISE and its iModulon information, for use with pymodulon
    • sample_table.csv: metadata as downloaded from iModulonDB
  • precise1k: expression and iModulon data for the core expression compendium in this resource, PRECISE-1K
    • multiqc_data: raw QC statistics for PRECISE-1K samples
    • subsamples: sample IDs for random subsamples generated from PRECISE-1K for a specific analysis
    • A.csv: the iModulon A matrix for PRECISE-1K
    • M.csv: the iModulon M matrix
    • component_stats.csv: raw statistics for the PRECISE-1K imodulons
    • counts.csv: the raw read count data from which log2[TPM] data was computed; output of modulome workflow
    • crp_binding.csv: data from a simulated binding curve for CRP analysis (see manuscript Figure 4)
    • deg_dima_result.csv: results from comparing differential iModulon activity (DiMA) analysis to differential gene expression (DGE) analysis
    • imodulon_table.csv: metadata for PRECISE-1K iModulons, including regulatory enrichment statistics and functional categorizations
    • log_tpm.csv: the log2[TPM] data, BEFORE quality control (1055 samples)
    • log_tpm_norm_qc.csv: log2[TPM] data, centered to the reference condition (M9 glucose), after QC - aka X matrix, direct input to ICA
    • log_tpm_qc.csv: the quality-controlled log2[TPM] data, aka PRECISE-1K itself (1035 samples)
    • log_tpm_qc_w_short_low_fpkm.csv: log2[TPM] data before removal of ~100 short and very low read count genes
    • metadata.csv: metadata for PRECISE-1K samples BEFORE quality control (1055 samples)
    • metadata_qc.csv: post-QC sample metadata for PRECISE-1K (1035 samples)
    • multiqc_stats.tsv: summary of QC statistics for raw read data from multiqc_data subdirectory
    • precise1k.json.gz: IcaData object containing iModulon matrices, iModulon and sample metadata, etc. - for use with pymodulon
  • regulation: contains raw files used to generate the TRN used for regulatory enrichment analysis
  • sequence_files: contains the reference genome sequences used for alignment of raw reads in modulome processing workflow

Notebooks (Analyses)

The notebooks directory contains analyses, split between the k12_modulome and precise1k datasets. The PRECISE-1K analysis notebooks are described below (Public K-12 analyses are very similar):

  • blah_figs: contains figure panel files used to generate paper figures; has corresponding blah.ipynb notebook
  • 1__QC_expression.ipynb: notebook for visualizing QC statistics and excluding non-high-quality data after raw read processing
  • 1b__differential_gene_expression_R.ipynb: an R notebook for running traditional DGE
  • 2__choose_dimensionality.ipynb: final step of OptICA dimensionality selection method to determine final M and A matrices
  • 3__create_ica_data.ipynb: compiles final M and A matrices, sample metadata, TRN, gene information into pymodulon-ready IcaData object, as well as computing iModulon thresholds to determine iModulon membership, and computing regulatory enrichment statistics
  • 4__annotate_imodulons.ipynb: manual annotation and curation of iModulons
  • fig__characterize_ytfs.ipynb: analysis of putative regulons YmfT and YgeV (Figure 3 in manuscript)
  • fig__investigate_activities.ipynb: DiMA analysis, activity clustering (stimulons), CRP regulon segmentation
  • fig__investigate_expression.ipynb: analyses of PRECISE-1K itself, i.e. the log2[TPM] expression data (Figure 1)
  • fig__subsamples.ipynb: analysis of PRECISE-1K subsample iModulon sets (subsample IcaData objects not included due to GitHub size limitations, request if needed)
  • fig__summarize_dataset.ipynb: overview of sample conditions in PRECISE-1K
  • fig__summarize_imodulons.ipynb: overview of iModulon categories, enrichments, and regulatory coverage (Figure 2)
  • generate_p1k_subsamples.ipynb: for generation of PRECISE-1K subsamples analyzed in fig__subsamples.ipynb
  • workflow__add_new_data.ipynb: new data addition workflow example analysis of aerobic transition (Figure 6); for adding new data, it's recommended to start with lightweight precise1k-analyze repository

Additional Information

The iModulons computed from PRECISE-1K can be explored through an interactive web interface at iModulonDB.

Please cite our Biorxiv preprint if you find this repository useful! This link will be updated when this work is published.