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Duncan edited this page Jun 29, 2021 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the MembershipSchemaAndBenefits wiki!

Power of Us Hub Group


Using a combination of Cumulus & Metecho has contributed to open Tasks & unmerged branches; try to wrap everything up at the end of each sprint so the next sprint doesn't have to start by figuring out what still needs to be merged.

Next Steps:

  • Continue use of Metecho!
  • Determine whether automation around dates & MCR management is sufficient for MVP
  • Determine guidelines for more/less sophisticated use cases (i.e., whether or not an org is going to use Products) and user stories for each
    • Determine whether to support both paths and to what degree (i.e., build automation to renew memberships based on a trigger on Opportunity Product & Opportunity, and let a custom setting or custom metadata determine which to use)
  • Review Requirements page and identify MVP candidates; move these to Issues for development
    • Improve documentation!!
  • Continue to build MVP features
  • Testing/validation
  • Identify some 'optional' features (i.e., Opportunity-related) that could be handled using Flow(s) that could be easily switched on/off depending on needs/use cases. This could serve as the foundation for Apex with UI-controlled settings while being lighter-weight to set up as needs are refined

Wiki Pages Overview

Membership Package Documentation

  • Current data model, fields, automation that exists in the membership package work in progress


  • Evolution of the data model
  • Use cases


  • Long list of wishlist items and requirements
  • Some have been converted into Issues for package development
    • TO-DO - indicate items that have been moved to issues; work to prioritize these

Membership Best Practices

  • Suggestions and guidance for getting the most out of existing NPSP functionality - work in progress, additions encouraged

Sprint-Specific Pages

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