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tobiasaw34002 edited this page Nov 30, 2022 · 7 revisions

Current Data Model

  • Data Dictionary - work in progress, able to track field-specific running commentary etc
  • Metecho scratch org
  • Current model v4
    • focuses on addressing membership concerns
    • Membership object provides:
      • clarity/flexibility (as opposed to reusing another object with a confusing name and limitations - OCR or OppProds)
      • start/stop dates for membership period ability to relate to an account (household or organization) and/or one/multiple contacts
    • Opportunity Product object provides:
      • details of each purchase as part of a transaction on the opportunity
      • ability to bundle orders of various products (donations, memberships, etc) on one opportunity
      • ability to renew a single membership record on a future opportunity (multiple OppProds can specify one membership)
      • ability to reference product pricing, add discounts
    • GAU Allocation object: needs to be considered if we plan to allow a bundle opportunity where a donation and membership are purchased together
      • provides summarized financial information relevant to accounting departments

Use Cases


  • May or may not include membership fees in donations reporting

Foster parents

  • Membership card provides access
    • Clothing closets
    • Food pantries
  • Sometimes fees are covered by parents, sometimes by other organizations
  • Gray area of PMM vs memberships

Memberships to organizations

  • Size of gift determines the number of staff who are considered members
  • Overlapping memberships, different date models

Donations of X amount are considered memberships by default

  • Sometimes mid-year donations are considered additional donations, not membership extensions
  • Challenge of scaling/automation when someone renews early (how many days before renewals)

Requirements to report FMV of member benefits

  • Complexities around using DAFs to pay for memberships
  • Breaking down portion of annual giving

Recurring donations count for memberships - does this increase member level throughout the year? Running totals?

Donating through payroll

  • Does this person now qualify for a membership

Previous Data Models:

  • Previous model v3

    • addressed LDV concerns; allows all benefits to be viewed in a single related list connected to Account
    • re-used Benefits object for both big picture things like Membership as well as more specific line items
  • Previous model v2

    • Reduced number of objects
  • ERD

Original ERD from Philly Sprint Image of InitialDataModel.jpg

notes from Philly - *some resolved in later sprints

* Benefits (or "membership/sponsorship" object)
     * Struggling to name this—it's confusing
     * Lookup to itself in order to create a hierarchy to relate for example benefit items to one membership purchase
     * OOTB Membership and Sponsorship RT
     * Probably want a 3rd "Item" RT that designates the child Benefits
     * Stores "type" information (purchased, gifted, awarded)
     * Designated Primary contact - creating a BCR for this Contact recommneded as the first automation
     * Start Date
     * End Date
     * Sponsorship Type
     * Member Level
     * Status - optional?
* Benefit Contact Role (for lack of a better name) - probably will only pertain to Membership RT but flexible
     * Junction record between Contact and Benefit
     * Shows history of membership
* Benefit Offering
     * Catalogue of specific things an organization might give as part of a membership or sponsorship. Parent of Benefit