This repository contains the odds and ends of protein electrostatics found by Stefan Hervø-Hansen and collaborators.
Robinson, A. C., Castaneda, C. A., Schlessman, J. L., & Garcia-Moreno E., B. (2014). Structural and thermodynamic consequences of burial of an artificial ion pair in the hydrophobic interior of a protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(32), 11685–11690.
Hervø-Hansen, S., Højgaard, C., Johansson, K. E., Wang, Y., Wahni, K., Young, D., Messens, J., Teilum, K., Lindorff-Larsen, K., & Winther, J. R. (2021). Charge Interactions in a Highly Charge-Depleted Protein. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143(6), 2500–2508.
Kougentakis, C. M., Skerritt, L., Majumdar, A., Schlessman, J. L., & García-Moreno E., B. (2020). The properties of buried ion pairs are governed by the propensity of proteins to reorganize. BioRxiv.