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Implementation of the xOpera orchestrator REST API


GIT backend server (optional, recommended)

xOpera REST API uses git backend to store blueprints. It supports and gitlab (both and private gitlab based servers). If GIT server is not set it uses computer's filesystem to store git repos.

To connect REST API to

  • user with enough private repository is needed. Every blueprint will be saved to its own repository, so unlimited account with private repositories is recommended.
  • obtain github access token with repo end delete_repo permissions
  • export following environmental variables:
    • XOPERA_GIT_TYPE=github
    • XOPERA_GIT_AUTH_TOKEN=[your_github_access_token]
  • optionally set some of optional git config settings

To connect REST API to gitlab server:

If non of options above is available, xOpera REST API can use its internal filesystem as git server (MockConnector). This option has a big limitation of not enabling users to inspect blueprints as on, or any other gitlab server. To connect REST API with MockConnector to internal filesystem:

Note: Mock connector is default option which is used in case of missing XOPERA_GIT_TYPE environmental variable.

Optional git configuration settings

Beside obligatory settings following settings can be configured:

  • XOPERA_GIT_WORKDIR - workdir for git on REST API server
  • XOPERA_GIT_REPO_PREFIX (default: gitDB_) - repo prefix. Blueprint with token 963d7c94-34f9-498d-b122-472dbd9a8681 would be saved to repository gitDB_963d7c94-34f9-498d-b122-472dbd9a8681
  • XOPERA_GIT_COMMIT_NAME (default: SODALITE-xOpera-REST-API) - to author git commit
  • XOPERA_GIT_COMMIT_MAIL (default: [email protected]) - user.mail to author git commit
  • XOPERA_GIT_GUEST_PERMISSIONS (default: reporter) - role, assigned to user, added to repository. See access to blueprints.

See example config for example on how to export variables.

Docker registry (optional, recommended)

In most applications, REST API needs docker registry to store docker images. It can be run locally or remotely. See docker docs for more details.


xOpera REST API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication.

It can be overridden by setting AUTH_API_KEY env var in xopera-rest-api container to key_name of choice. This key must be added to requests as -H "X-API-Key: [key_name]"

SSH keys

xOpera needs SSH key pair with xOpera substring in name in /root/.ssh (or other) dir. It can be generated using

sudo ./Installation/ [common name] [SSH_DIR | default='/root/.ssh'] 

where common name is desired name for SSH key (usually computer's IP).


Local run

To run locally, use docker compose or local TOSCA template with compliant orchestrator.

Remote deploy

REST API can be deployed remotely using TOSCA template with compliant orchestrator, for instance xOpera.


Check openapi spec and sample api requests.

How to use API

Standard scenarios of using REST api:

SSH management

xOpera uses SSH key to connect to instance VMs. Its public key can be obtained with GET to /ssh/keys/public. Public key must be registered with cloud provider (e.g. OpenStack).

Blueprint management

Blueprint consist of TOSCA service template with all corresponding artifacts, neatly packed into The TOSCA Cloud Service Archive (CSAR). xOpera REST API leverages GIT server (it supports Github and Gitlab at the moment) for storing CSARs.

Upload a new blueprint

A new blueprint can be uploaded with POST to /blueprint. CSAR must be a valid TOSCA CSAR archive (in zip format). Optionally, user can add several other parameters:

  • revision_msg --> commit message for git
  • blueprint_name --> human-readable blueprint_name
  • aadm_id --> End-to-end debugging id
  • username --> User's username
  • project_domain --> domain of blueprint

If successful, response in form of BlueprintVersion schema that will include blueprint_id and version_id, which can later be used for accessing blueprint (version).

Get list of blueprints

This endpoint allows querying blueprints by username, project_domain or both. It returns [Blueprint] where Blueprint consist of (blueprint_id, project_domain, username, timestamp)

Upload a new blueprint version

A new version can be added to existing blueprint with POST to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}. CSAR must be a valid TOSCA CSAR archive (in zip format). Optionally, user can add revision_msg, or specify project_domain for blueprint. If successful, response in form of BlueprintVersion schema will include blueprint_id and version_id, which can later be used for accessing blueprint (version).

Delete a blueprint

Blueprint can be deleted with DELETE to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}. Before deleting, REST API will check if blueprint is a part of any existing deployment and block deletion. This behaviour can be overridden with force=true parameter.

Delete a blueprint version

Blueprint version can be deleted with DELETE to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/version/{version_id}. Before deleting, REST API will check if blueprint version is a part of any existing deployment and block deletion. This behaviour can be overridden with force=true parameter.

Obtain list of blueprint users

List of git users with access to Repository with blueprint can be obtained with GET to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/user.

Add user to blueprint

Git (Github or Gitlab) user can be added to blueprint with POST to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/user/{user_id}. User will be assigned developer access and will be able to modify blueprint.

Remove user from blueprint

Git user can be removed with POST to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/user/{user_id}.

Blueprint metadata management

Obtain blueprint metadata

Blueprint metadata from the most recent version of blueprint can be obtained with GET to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/meta. Metadata consist of:

  • blueprint_id
  • version_id
  • name
  • project_domain
  • timestamp
  • url
  • commit_sha
  • users
  • deployments

Obtain blueprint metadata from specific version

Blueprint metadata from specific version of blueprint can be obtained with GET to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/version/{version_id}/meta. Endpoint returns the same fields as /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/meta. Note that some parameters are blueprint-version-specific (every version can have its own values) and some are not (every version of single blueprint has the same values).

Version-specific metadata:

  • version_id
  • timestamp
  • commit_sha

Obtain blueprint name

Although blueprint name is part of blueprint meta it can also be obtained via dedicated endpoint with GET to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/name.

Updating blueprint name

Blueprint name is usually set upon blueprint creation (POST to /blueprint), but it can also be changed later, with POST to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/name.

Obtaining list of deployments

List of deployments, created from current blueprint can be obtained with GET to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/deployments. Every list item consist of:

  • deployment_id
  • state
  • operation
  • timestamp

List of deployments is part of blueprint metadata and can also be obtained via metadata endpoint.

Get history of blueprint changes

History of changes, made by xOpera REST API to git repository with blueprint, can be obtained with GET to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/git_history. Changes can be either update (addition of blueprint version) or delete (deletion of blueprint or blueprint version).

Blueprint validation

Validate blueprint

Blueprint from database can be validated with PUT to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/validate. Optionally, file with inputs can be added. If blueprint has multiple versions, the last will be validated.

Validate specific version of blueprint

Blueprint version from database can be validated with PUT to /blueprint/{blueprint_id}/version/{version_id}/validate. Optionally, file with inputs can be added.

Validate new blueprint

Any blueprint in The TOSCA Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) form can be validate with PUT to /blueprint/validate. After validation, blueprint will be discarded.

Deployment management

Deployment is xOpera REST API's internal representation of current instance state, deployed on cloud platform

Initialize and deploy

To initialize deployment with first deploy, user can POST to /deployment/deploy. If version_id is not specified, last version is used. Inputs are optional, depending on blueprint. Workers is a maximum number of concurrent workers, leveraged by xOpera. deployment_label is a human-readable label, which can be given to deployment.In case of a successful invocation, REST API returns Invocation schema, with deployment_id params, which must be used for any further interactions with current deployment.

Obtain deployment status

Status of deployment can be obtained with GET to /deployment/{deployment_id}/status. State of deployment can be one of [ pending, in_progress, success, failed ]. After invocation is done, user can inspect stdout, stderr, instance_state and outputs (if defined within service template).

Inspect deployment history

Entire history of deployment (list of all invocations) can be obtained with GET to /deployment/{deployment_id}/history.

Continue deploy

In case of deployment failure, deploy invocation can be continued (optionally with new inputs) with POST to /deployment/{deployment_id}/deploy_continue. Opera will continue, where previous deploy failed. Optionally, it can also start from beginning (clean_state=True).

Calculate diff

Diff between current deployment state and new blueprint (with inputs) can be obtained by PUT to /deployment/{deployment_id}/diff. Blueprint (version) can be another version of the previously used blueprint or some version of another blueprint.

Update deployment

Deployment can be updated from new blueprint (version) with POST to /deployment/{deployment_id}/update. Opera will calculate the difference between deployed instance and new blueprint and (un)deploy it. Blueprint (version) can be another version of the previously used blueprint or some version of another blueprint.


Deployment can be undeployed with POST to /deployment/{deployment_id}/undeploy. This is the last invocation in deployment lifecycle, and antoher invocation will not be possible, but logs will be preserved.

TOSCA 1.3 Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) format

xOpera REST API uses CSAR format as input format for uploading blueprints to REST API server.

Converting blueprint to CSAR

Blueprint can be transformed to CSAR format with blueprint2CSAR script. Check help:

python3 scripts/ --help

blueprint2CSAR can also be used as python library to be included to your python application.

Structure of CSAR format

For details about CSAR format structure, visit TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.3

Additional configuration

Setting up OpenStack

Setting the default user

When deploying the xOpera Rest API, intended to target Openstack, make sure to pass correct environment variables for openstack orchestration (section # XOPERA OPENSTACK DEPLOYMENT FALLBACK SETTINGS in xopera_env field in inputs-local.yaml or inputs-openstack.yaml)

Docker registry connection

Local docker registry

To run docker image registry locally, run the following command:

docker run -d --restart=always --name registry -v /mnt/registry:/var/lib/registry registry:2

Connect to remote registry

Installation with script (Ubuntu only)

If you are using ubuntu, just run the following script:

sudo ./Installation/ [computer_IP] [registry_IP] [path_to_CA_dir]
Manual installation (Ubuntu or CentOS)

If you choose to preform steps manually, follow the steps below:

  • Ubuntu: add root certificate ca.crt to /usr/share/ca-certificates/ folder, add the filename ca.crt to /etc/ca-certificates.conf and run sudo update-ca-certificates to update certificates.
  • CentOS: add root certificate ca.crt to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ folder and run sudo update-ca-trust to update certificates.

Generate client cert and key, get it signed using docker registry's root CA certificate.

Now create a new directory in the docker certificate folder (/etc/docker/certs.d/) that has the same name as the IP/domain of your docker registry. Afterwards, copy the docker registry's ca.crt to newly created folder. You also need to copy client certificate and private key you generated and got signed.

The file structure should be as follows:

└── my_registry_ip
   ├── client.cert
   ├── client.key
   └── ca.crt

See docker docs for more details.

PostgreSQL connection

Rest API is using PostgreSQL database. It is deployed with REST API as part of docker-compose template and TOSCA template. REST API can be configured to connect to any PostgreSQL instance by following environmental variables:

  • XOPERA_DATABASE_IP=[database_ip]
  • XOPERA_DATABASE_PORT=[database_port]
  • XOPERA_DATABASE_NAME=[database_name]
  • XOPERA_DATABASE_USER=[database_username]
  • XOPERA_DATABASE_PASSWORD=[database_password]
  • XOPERA_DATABASE_TIMEOUT=[database_timeout], optional

See example config.

PostgreSQL can be run as docker container.