A user-supplied optional dependency is:
- a function that your function calls,
- that is passed in as a parameter with a default value,
- that the caller can override if they need to
For example:
function doSomething(
input: any,
// `onError` is a user-supplied optional dependency
{ onError = THROW_THE_ERROR } = OnErrorOptions = {}
) {
if (!somethingWorked(input)) {
throw onError(new SomethingWentWrong());
// if we call it like this, `doSomething()` uses the default value
// for the dependency, which is `THROW_THE_ERROR`
// if we call it like this, `doSomething()` will use our arrow function
// instead
doSomething(input, { onError: (x) => { logger.logError(x); throw x; });
User-supplied optional dependencies go into the user-supplied options object object.