What's Changed
- New LWC Component for Maps by @cjrolfe in #175
- Fixes to Location Flows and Automation by @GeekStewie in #176
- RSPCA Flow Feature Request Updates by @cjrolfe in #178
- Fixes and updates to flows by @cjrolfe in #179
- New entry Flow by @cjrolfe in #180
- New Relationship updates to allow for relationship history and different types of relationships to be tracked by @cjrolfe in #181
- ChipNDoodle update to remove images based on new Setting in Animal Shelter Settings by @GeekStewie in #182
Install Links
Production: https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tJ50000008ruL&isdtp=p1
Sandbox/Scratch: https://test.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tJ50000008ruL&isdtp=p1
Full Changelog: release/1.29...release/1.31