Minimalist R
xaringan theme for html presentations using ScPo style/colors.
Here is the title slide:
Example presentation at
just fork this and edit the front-matter YAML at the start of your Rmd file containing your presentation.
title: "your title"
subtitle: "subtitle"
author: "Your name"
date: "SciencesPo Paris </br> `r Sys.Date()`"
lib_dir: libs
css: [default, "scpo.css", "scpo-fonts.css"]
beforeInit: ["../js/ru_xaringan.js"]
highlightStyle: github
highlightLines: true
countIncrementalSlides: false
ratio: "16:9"
in_header: "./libs/partials/header.html"
One big drawback is (used to be) that HTML presentations require a working internet connection during the presentation.
It's not always possible to guarantee that. Sigh.
There is a great alternative/backup. Just print the HTML slides to PDF with decktape! I.e. you do
decktape index.html presentation.pdf --chrome-arg=--disable-web-security
to end up with this PDF