Supersolids 0.1.24
New Features
Finally allows a mathematical description in readthedocs of the whole api.
How to install
Arch based systems
Go to the directory, where you build your AUR packages.
Run the following in console:
"mkdir python-supersolids"
"cd python-supersolids"
Download the PKGBUILD and place it there.
Run "makepkg -sic" in console, where the PKGBUILD lies.
For python3.9 currently there is no vtk wheel for python3.9, so you need to build it from source
and then install mayavi (pip install mayavi or also build it from source, as there could be incapabilities with vtk9).
This downloads the packages, extract it, gets the dependencies and installs it automatically
(you can do it manually for example with "sudo pacman -U python-supersolids-0.1.24-1-any.pkg.tar.zst")
With pip
Go to the directory supersolids/dist/, where the wheel lies (*.whl).
Use this wheel to install, e.g:
pip install supersolids-0.1.24-py3-none-any.whl
Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub: