Simple tool for converting a test project from moq to nsubstitute
Published as a dotnet tool to nuget at
A command line tool with a single command, convert
Give it a path that contains test files, it'll perform some regex replaces to switch syntax to NSubstitute.
Many thanks to @AlbertoMonteiro
for the RegEx work at
The root command is named moq2nsub
, only one sub-command is available
moq2nsub convert --project-path C:\src\my-path-that-contains-unit-tests
- should be the path where a csproj file exists that contains unit tests.
This tool amends the files it finds, applies the regex and saves the results, so make sure you've got your files source controlled for easy rollback if you don't like the results
The tool will scan the path you provide for all *.cs files, and will then run a number of find and replace regular expressions to convert from Moq syntax to NSubstitute. After performing find and replace operations, it will run a dotnet command to uninstall moq and install nsubstitute.
- make sure your files are source controlled. The tool will overwrite files with the changes, so have a simple rollback
plan if you don't like the output
Any contributions welcome, especially any new Regex!