v0.110.0 LSTM
188 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- fix: predict with multiple outputs by @fryguy1013 in #1065
- refactor: some gen_ops with added code generator. by @AsakusaRinne in #1063
- fix: error when using graph in multi-threads. by @AsakusaRinne in #1068
- docs: add discord info to readme. by @AsakusaRinne in #1069
- docs: update readme file. by @AsakusaRinne in #1070
- docs: add tf.keras badge to readme. by @AsakusaRinne in #1072
- docs: add vote info to readme. by @AsakusaRinne in #1075
- fix: error when set the activation of keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose to null. by @lingbai-kong in #1076
- fix: can't implement len for KerasShapesWrapper & Add bias implement to Conv2DTranspose.Call() by @lingbai-kong in #1078
- fix: status null reference of base session. by @AsakusaRinne in #1079
- build: add scripts to split large native library file. by @AsakusaRinne in #1071
- fix: temporarily fix the sequential nest error. by @AsakusaRinne in #1086
- fix: Update PredictInternational on Model.Predict.cs by @DevNullx64 in #1087
- fix: A new feature for NDArray.max by @RayWang-iat in #1091
- feat: add rnn basic modules by @AsakusaRinne in #1097
- fix: some possible errors of RNN. by @AsakusaRinne in #1098
- Add feature(not completed):add SimpleRNNCell, StackedRNNCell, RNN and test. by @Wanglongzhi2001 in #1100
- feat: support training of RNN. by @AsakusaRinne in #1109
- refactor: Model.eval by @DevNullx64 in #1092
- feat: np update square and dot product by @visagang in #1111
- feat: Support training of RNN and LSTM. by @Wanglongzhi2001 in #1110
- fix: error pf training RNN on Linux by @AsakusaRinne in #1113
- Improve the API of LayerNormalization by @Beacontownfc in #1114
- fix: type converting errors when loading imdb dataset by @lingbai-kong in #1116
- refactor: Standardize TensorFlowNET.Keras/Losses/* by @DevNullx64 in #1089
- feat: Add UpSampling1D layer and test. by @Wanglongzhi2001 in #1117
New Contributors
- @fryguy1013 made their first contribution in #1065
- @lingbai-kong made their first contribution in #1076
- @DevNullx64 made their first contribution in #1087
- @RayWang-iat made their first contribution in #1091
- @visagang made their first contribution in #1111
- @Beacontownfc made their first contribution in #1114
Full Changelog: v0.100.5...v0.110.0-LSTM-Model