The "...And Then There Were Three" Release
This release is all about adding support for TWO MORE multi-signature wallet coordinators!
Join our Telegram group for help building a signer and for all other things SeedSigner!
To install on a MicroSD, download the file "", extract the .img file, and write that image to a MicroSD card (at least 4GB in size).
Startup time is holding for now at ~50 seconds. (Way down from where we started at 90 seconds!)
(Please note that our core air-gapped QR signing functionality is working reliably, however when making transactions with numerous inputs [UTXO consolidation] the volume of frames to scan in and out of SeedSigner can be large. We have several paths to optimize this process and will be bringing improvements in future versions of SeedSigner.)
New Features:
- Support for Sparrow Wallet! (
- Support for BlueWallet Multisig Vault! (
- Repo housekeeping to pave the way for more great features & improvements
- Built for compatibility with Specter v1.4.5 and up
- Built for compatibility with Sparrow Wallet 1.4.2 and up
- Built for compatibility with BlueWallet 6.1.5 and up
- The best way to practice & get comfortable with signing is testnet
- Test with small amounts of BTC first if starting with mainnet
- Currently support for multisig wallets only (single-sig coming)
- Slightly rotate the screen to resolve glare/lighting issues