ATmega32 Microcontroller
R503 Finger Print Module
DS1307 RTC Module
M24C08 EEPROM Module
4*20 LCD Unit
4*4 Keypad unit
UART (Universal Asynchronous Reciever Transmitter Module)
I2C (Two Wire Interface Module)
When a new Employee is to be enrolled in the system, he must choose to be enrolled using an option represented by LCD Module.
To be enrolled he will insert a unique ID which will be saved in the EEPROM Module.
Employee will be asked to insert his Finger Print and guided through the process with the help of LCD messages.
The Finger Print will be connected to his ID in EEPROM.
Employee should insert his ID first, and it will be searched with through EEPROM Data base.
If Employee ID is Found he will be ordered to enter his finger print and a match is carried.
If a match is found, the system will register the login time using the RTC Module to get real time.