🌱 Designed and developed a web-based platform for generating and trading carbon credits from home gardens in Sri Lanka 🇱🇰, encouraging sustainable practices and helping mitigate climate change . The system tracks tree growth and calculates carbon credits based on CO2 sequestration using complex mathematical models. It includes an image recognition module 📸 to track tree growth, a carbon credit marketplace 💰 for trading credits, and a wallet system 💳 for storing sales proceeds. This system helps home garden owners generate income 💵 by selling carbon credits to businesses.
- ✔️ Carbon credit calculation based on tree growth 🌿 and CO2 sequestration.
- ✔️ Image recognition technology 📷 to measure tree height and growth.
- ✔️ Integrated marketplace 🏪 for buying and selling carbon credits.
- ✔️ Match-making algorithm 🔄 to match buy orders and sell orders in the marketplace.
- ✔️ Dashboard 📊 for home garden owners to manage trees, track carbon credits, and view sales history.
- ✔️ Order Blotter Dashboard 📈 to show Market Watch.
- ✔️ Secure registration 🔐 for carbon credit buyers, sellers, and authorizers.
- 🖥 Front-End: Bootstrap 🎨, ASP.NET ⚙️
- 💻 Back-End: C# 🔥
- 🗄 Database: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 🏦