It's an open-source powered application that brings simplicity and usability into one place. With Live Helper Chat, you can bring live support to your site for free.
- Documentation -
- Forum/Discussions -
- Chat (Discord)
- Laravel version of Live Helper Chat
- Mobile app flutter
- Agora - Voice & Video & ScreenShare powered by agora, paid
- Jitsi - Voice & Video & ScreenShare powered by jitsi, Free out of the box integration
- Rest API
- Bot with the possibility to integrate any third-party AI
- Telegram
- Rasa
- Mattermost
- Facebook messenger, Intsagram
- Facebook WhatsApp
- Facebook Instagram
- Insult detection powered by and NudeNet
- SMS, WhatsApp (Twilio based)
- WhatsApp open-wa based.
- Elasticsearch get statistic for millions of chats in seconds
- Node.js
- Docker
- Background worker for heavy tasks offload Rest API calls
- Integrate any third party Rest API
- Google Authentication login using Google account
- 2FA
mobile app support - Amazon S3 scale infinitely by storing app files in the cloud
- Desktop app written with electron
- Sentiment analysis using DeepPavlov
- Shopify integration
- MessageBird integration
- CloudTalk integration
- Chat API integration
- MS Authentification
- After the app is installed, disable cache and enable debug output.
- Change the following values to:
* debug_output => true * templatecache => false * templatecompile => false * modulecompile => false
- To compile JS from lhc_web folder execute. This will compile main JS and old widget javascript files.
npm install && gulp
- To compile new widget V2
- To recompile back office React APP (Left toolbar, Group Chat etc...)
cd lhc_web/design/defaulttheme/js/admin && npm run build
- Recompile static JS/CSS files. This is required if you change core JS files. It also avoids missing CSS/JS files if more than one server is used.
php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/util/generate_css -p 1 && gulp js-static
- ORM -
- Common classes -
- To recompile everything at once
cd lhc_web/ && ./
- Directories content:
- lhc_web - WEB application folder.
A few main features:
- Bot with the possibility to integrate any third-party AI
- Tens of thousands chats per day support using ElasticSearch, NodeJS, PHP-Resque System is highly optimised and battle tested for high load environment
- XMPP support for notifications about new chats (iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, GTalk, etc.)
- Chrome extension
- Repeatable sound notifications
- Work hours
- See what the user sees with a screenshot feature
- Drag & Drop widgets, minimize/maximize widgets
- Multiple chats at the same time
- See what users are typing before they send a message
- Multiple operators
- Send delayed canned messages as if it was a real user typing
- Chats archive
- Priority queue
- Chats statistic generation
- Advanced agents performance tracking
- Resume chat after the user closed the chat
- All chats in a single window with tabs interface; tabs are remembered before they are closed
- Chat transcript print
- Chat transcript send by mail
- Site widget
- Page embed mode for live support script or widget mode, or standard mode
- Multilanguage
- Chats transferring
- Departments
- Files upload
- Chat search
- Automatic transfers between departments
- Option to generate JS for different departments
- Option to prefill form fields.
- Option to add custom form fields, which can be either user variables or hidden fields. Useful if you are integrating with a third-party system and want to pass user_id, for example.
- Cronjobs
- Callbacks
- Closed chat callback
- Unanswered chat callback
- Asynchronous status loading, not blocking site javascript.
- XML, JSON export module
- Option to send transcript to users e-mail
- SMTP support
- HTTPS support
- No third parties cookies dependency
- Previous users chats
- Online users tracking, including geo detection
- GEO detection using three different sources
- Option to configure start chat fields
- Sounds on pending chats and new messages
- Google chrome notifications on pending messages.
- Browser title blinking then there is pending message.
- Option to limit pro active chat invitation messages based on pending chats.
- Option to configure frequency for pro active chat invitation message. You can set after how many hours for the same user invitation message should be shown again.
- Users blocking
- Top performance with enabled cache
- Windows, Linux and Mac native applications.
- Advanced embed code generation with numerous options of includable code.
- Template override system
- Module override system
- Support for custom extensions
- Changeable footer and header content
- Option to send messges to anonymous site visitors,
- Canned messages
- Informing then operator or user is typing.
- Option to see what user is typing before he sends a message
- Canned messages for desktop client
- Voting module
- FAQ module
- Online users map
- Pro active chat invitatio
- Remember me functionality
- Total pageviews tracking
- Total pageviews including previous visits tracking
- Visits tracking, how many times user has been on your page.
- Time spent on site
- Auto responder
- BB Code support. Links recognition. Smiles and few other hidden features :)
- First user visit tracking
- Option for customers mute sounds
- Option for operators mute messages sounds and new pending chat's sound.
- Option to monitor online operators.
- Option to have different pro active messages for different domains. This can be archieved using different identifiers.
- Dekstop client supports HTTPS
- Protection against spammers using advanced captcha technique without requiring users to enter any captcha code.
- Option for operator set online or offline mode.
- Automatic chat closing
- Distribution of visitors to different operators depending on their GEO / language (two different clients in different languages are contacting. It is possible to configure the distribution so that a Lithuanian-speaking client gets to a Lithuanian-speaking operator, and an English-speaking client to an English-speaking operator)
- Custom distribution of visitors based on their attributes.
- Subjects/Topics for chat
- Desktop client for
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac
- Flexible permission system:
- Roles
- Groups
- Users