An Interactive WhiteBoard build using
Step 1: Clone the Repository.
Step 2: Go the Cloned folder.
Step 3: In the Colab-Draw folder type cd client.
Step 4: run command npm install and then npm run dev.
Step 5: Split the terminal.
Step 6: In the Colab-Draw folder type cd server.
Step 7: run command npm install and then npm start.
Step 8: Open Browser,go to localhost:5143.
The Project is made with the use of MERN Stack.
The Frontend of the project is build using React-JS and the styling is done using Material UI (MUI). It implements the use of features provided by ReactJS including React Hooks, React Routing.
A real time interface between the users using the application is made using Socket Connection. The Project made use of for the Socket Connection.
The Variables state across the application is implemented using CreateContext provided by React which ensures proper State Management of needed variables across the application.
The Backend of the project is build using Node JS and Express JS.