This is an android application that allows users to enjoy practising yoga and meditation with anybody, anywhere by providing users with different virtual environments.
Meditation is an enormously wealthy gift to humanity. The benefits of meditation are now not hidden from anyone. Have you ever wondered why people still don't pratice yoga and meditation ? Research shows that the main reasons behind ignorance towards meditation/ yoga are
- Lack of motivation and proper ( peaceful, natural, beautiful ) environment or atmosphere.
- Lack of an instructor to guide about the path and process.
Solution to these problems will be
- Privilege of going to any calm place in a virtual world.
- Privilege of practising with yoga/ meditation guru whom you follow.
- Experience different meditation types that involve immense imagination.
This application is built to solve these issues. It provides the users with different meditation types like Chakra Meditation and different beginner friendly yoga poses and a few environments like the mountain, space, forest etc thus allowing users to choose specific yoga/ meditation types and practice them in any environment they choose from the list of environments provided.
The app the users with provides 3D-360 environments. The user can experience meditating as if they were on Mount Everest or in a forest or in space etc. We will feed the platform with multiple environment choices in later versions.
The amazingly soothing VR (Virtual Reality) environments help the user to meditate in a better way and acts as a catalyst in the process. Thus attracting more people to meditate.
User can choose different audio files according to his desire for any type of meditation. Different sets of instructions make it even better for the user to experience such a divine thing. Different videos regarding different meditations are available by our instructor.
The tech stack includes Android studio, java, unity, virtual reality, firebase.
The app is available in the playstore. Search for virtual instructor in the search bar of the playstore or follow this link to install the app from the playstore.
- After installation, the user has to register themselves by filling out the required fields or can even register with google sign-in.
- If the user is already registered, they can log-in using their credentials or can log-in directly using google account.
- The user is directly naviagted to the "Meditation Page" which contains different sections for meditation namely "Chakra Meditation".
- Chakra Meditation provides the users with different types of chakra meditations for eg: Muladara Chakra, Swadhistana Chakra etc., clicking on which they are directed to the environments during which the user has to put their phone in the VR headset and wear the VR headset.
- Similarly the user can navigate to the "Yoga Page" where the beginner poses are available and select any pose of their choice and any environment and then place the phone in the VR headset and start their practice.