This is a repository which contains practice arena for the competition iMaze conducted by Robotics Club, IIT BHU.
As this competition is going to be conducted in webots simulator, you may follow these instructions to install webots and python locally
Download webots setup file(shown below) from the official website -
Open the file and choose Install for me only option
And then follow the prompts (Next, Next, ..., Install).
Open the in your web browser. Navigate to the Downloads tab for Windows. Choose any Python 3.7.x
Click on the link to download Windows x86 executable installer if you are using a 32-bit installer. In case your Windows installation is a 64-bit system, then download Windows x86-64 executable installer(shown below).
Once the installer is downloaded, run the Python installer.
Make sure you select "Add Python3.7 to PATH" option before starting the installation.
You can now start the installation of Python by clicking on Install Now.
Download .deb file (shown below) from the official website -
Go to the directory where you have downloaded the file and just double click the file. You can see something like below, just click install
Update the packages list and install the prerequisites:
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install software-properties-common
Add the deadsnakes PPA to your system’s sources list:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
you can install Python 3.7 by executing:
$ sudo apt install python3.7
Verify that the installation was successful by typing:
python3 --version
Now that you have downloaded webots in your computer, you may follow these instruction to clone this repository, load the arena, create a custom controller and connect it to robot.
If you don't have git pre installed in your system,then simply download the zip file by clicking the green 'code' button above and then extract it.
Firstly, install git in your computer. You may follow these tutorials - Windows | Linux
Then open command prompt (in windows) or terminal (in linux) and clone this repository
git clone
Open the webots simulator and you are expected to see a window as shown below
Click on File then Open World as shown below
Go to the folder where you have cloned this repository and select
file (inside the folder named worlds) as shown below
Once you have opened the World, click on Wizards -> New Robot Controller
Click on Next
Select Python and then click Next
Provide a Name for your Controller
Click on Finish
On the left side of the screen navigate to E-puck -> controller "PS2_controller" and then click on Select
From the available options choose your controller and then click OK
Loading the device - You can load the necessary devices, by using these functions.
left_motor = robot.getDevice('left wheel motor')
right_motor = robot.getDevice('right wheel motor')
ir_sensor = robot.getDevice('ps0')
camera = robot.getDevice('camera')
Initializing the motors - Each motor's position is set to infinity, as if it set to a real number then the motors will stop after they have rotated by the number of radians specified. Initially, the velocity is set to 0, to ensure the robot is at a stop and not moving.
Actuation of the motors - You'll be using velocity control method, to control the motors of the robot.
Initializing the sensors and reading values
Initializing the camera and reading values