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Unicopia Beta 14 for Minecraft 1.18.X

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@Sollace Sollace released this 11 Jan 20:35

Be sure to back up your worlds before loading this version!

A lot of things changed which may make older saves incompatible. I've tried to make sure nothing breaks permanently, but there's always the chance of something being messed up. Any active or cast spells especially might be lost when upgrading because the whole system for how spells placed in the world has been changed.


  • Updated to 1.18


  • Added custom lightning particle affects to the lightning in a jar and zap apples
  • Spells will now respect spawn protection and mob griefing rules when trying to affect the world
  • Bangle of Comradery and amulets now render on pony models


  • Fixed rubberbanding when flying in multiplayer
  • Tweaked wall collission detection to make flying a little less harmful
  • Pegasi will now play a sound when they drop a feather
  • Added advancements for various things pegasi can do

Earth Ponies

  • Earth ponies can now brace themselves by sneaking. Bracing can be used to reduce damage and knockback in some situations.
  • Added pebbles, rocks, and rock stew
    • Earth ponies can now plant and grow rocks. You can harvest the rocks to get pebbles, and use the pebbles to make rock stew, a nutricious and delicious substitute for beetroot.
  • Added weird rocks
    • They don't do much, but they sure do look weird


  • Majorly reworked the magic system
    - Spells can now be modified using different traits (see below)
    - Unicorns can now have more than one spell active at a time
    - Placed spells will no longer cancel when the player dies of leaves the world
    - Unicorns now have a main and off-hand spell slot where they can equip different spells.
    • Right-click with a gem in your main-hand to equip it to your main slot
    • Right-click with a gem in your off-hand to equip it to your second slot
  • Added the spell book, spell crafting, and discovery
    • Spells are now crafted by combining a gem with items with certain traits in the spell book
    • Every item in the game has its own traits that can be used to create a different kind of spell, however which items have what traits will take some trial and error crafting them together in the spellbook.
    • Every time you craft a spell, the traits your discover are unlocked in the spellbook and the traits for the items used will become visible when you hover over them in your inventory.
    • Spells can have more than their base traits, and adding extra traits like more power or strength can be used to change the behaviour of a spell
  • Added detailed descriptions for all spells and tweaked the colours and display of spell descriptions


  • Removing spells is now done using a separate ability
    • The tertiary ability slot now contains an ability to clear spells.
    • Tapping once will open a gui that lets you visualise and remove specific spells
    • Tapping twice will clear all your active spells
    • Holding will clear whatever place spell you're looking at
  • The main cast ability is now used only for placing spells, and will place the spell in your main-slot
  • The secondary cast ability is moved to the second page of the primary slot and is only used to shoot spells as projectiles
    • Tapping once will fire a projectile like before using the spell in your off-hand slot
    • Holding will fire the spell in your main-slot
    • Spells fired in this way are no longer affected by gravity (makes aiming easier)
    • Spells are now rendered as beams of magic, rather than the janky old flying item


  • Changelings can no longer transform into paintings or item frames


  • Added Twittermites (used for the light spell)


  • Added the /trait command
    • Mainly for debug purposes, this command can be used to add or remove traits on an item stack

New Spells

Dark Vortex Spell

When placed, this spell will create a small blackhole that will gradually consume anything that gets near. The more the blackhole consumes, the larger it will grow and the faster it will generate mana for the caster

  • When fired from a projectile, will spawn a black hole where it lands

Firebolt Spell

This spell produces a series of fireballs that harms entities. They're also semi-intelligent and will try to follow a specific target. You can customise the number of fire-balls and the amount of damage they deal by tweaking the amount of strength and power traits included in the spell.

Light Spell

The light spell is a simple utility that summons several small lights (twittermites) that emit a dim glow. The mites will follow the player for as long as the spell is active, and dissapear when the spell ends.

Catapult Spell

Catapult can be used to throw blocks and entities in the air, or to push them away from yourself when they are already in the air. It's default form is quite weak, but the force used to push entities and blocks can be increased by crafting it with more of the power trait.

Changed Spells

  • Removed curses and their respective spells that were just duplicates of existing ones

Resurrection Spell

The resurrection spell has been completely reworked. Mobs spawned by this spell will act as minions, protecting the player who cast the spell that spawned them and attacking other hostile mobs.

  • You can recognise minions by their distinctive blue glow.
  • Minions are not able to leave the spell's area of effect, and when the spell is ended, the minions will be recalled with a small chance of some being left behind as stragglers.

Ice Spell

If you're currently submerged, the ice spell will clear out an air-pocket around the player.

Additionally, the ice spell will now:

  • Create frosted ice instead of regular ice to prevent permanent damage to player's worlds
  • Create frosted obsidian instead of regular obsidian for the same reason


Several abilities are now accompanied by appropriate animations, like when kicking a tree or stomping. I've tried my best to adjust these animations to work both for the human and pony models, however some (like the stomp animation) may only be noticeable when using a pony model)

  • Added the /emote command
    • Use this command to play all of the animations included with the mod.
    • Available animations include: waving, raising your arms above your head, pointing forward, stomping and kicking, or wolololo


  • Ability slots are less likely to appear empty
    • If the primary slot does not have an ability, the passive slot will display and be used, and visa-versa.
  • Changed icons for unicorn's spell throwing abilities


  • All sounds in the mod now have accurate subtitles and can be replaced by resourcepacks without affecting vanilla sounds

Bugs Squashed

  • Fixed spells' order changing in the creative inventory between restarts
  • Fixed abilities' order changing in the HUD between restarts
  • Fixed missing particle effect when throwing a cloud/storm in a jar
  • Fixed rain/thunder storms not starting or starting and immediately stopping when throwing down a cloud/storm in a jar
  • Fixed entities playing their death animation when being recalled by a spell
  • Massively optimised sphere rendering
  • Fixed particles becoming disconnected from their attached spells
  • Fixed descriptions on gemstones overflowing from the window when they get extremely long
  • Fixed missing equip sounds for the bangle of comradery and amulets (post 1.17)
  • Fixed pegasi not being able to pick up entities
  • Fixed broken textures when there are multiple magic particles on screen
  • Fixed some missing translations
  • Fixed a crash when teleporting
  • Fixed player dimensions not updating when the wings of icarus run out of energy (or are removed) #38
  • Fixed crash from light-emitting entities on the client
  • Fixed magic particles not using the colours they were assigned
  • Fixed disk particles
  • Fixed particles not respawning when coming back into view of a spell that went out of range
  • Fixed owners of spells not always being remembered
  • Fixed fire and inferno/internal spells turning water into ice
  • Fixed players not getting different fall damage based on their chosen race's stat

Things to do in future releases

  • Re-add Boop o' Roops?
  • Re-add clouds and cloud blocks
  • More spell types (aka didn't make it to this release):
    • Teleportation spell (making use of black holes)
    • Location Swap spell
    • Mind Swap spell
    • Mimic spell
    • Area Protection spell
  • Dragon's Breath scroll
  • Scrolls (compound spells)
  • Zap-Apple Trees