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How it works:
- There are fees in place which are:
- An
automatic Burn
on every transaction, to create a hyperdeflationary token (rapid drop in Supply, which automatically updates/is removed from existence)3% Buy
/4% Sell
- A
Marketing Fee
for project longevity2% Buy
/3% Sell
- A
Liquidity Fee
for project longevity & higher floors1% Buy
/1% Sell
- Liquidity is injected as only the token, directly into the LP on every transaction (saves fees and swapping)
- 15%/25% max Buy/Sell tax restriction in functions
- Can renounce individual functions(/groups of functions) if needed in future: Delay Timer, Fee Functions, Max Update Functions, Market Maker Pair Changes, Wallet Changes, and Exclude Include Functions
- 180 Second Sell Delay Timer (wallets cannot sell for 180 seconds after making any transaction). Anti-whale & bot-flip function.
- An
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| () . O . | I wonder what's the
| | reason for this anomaly?
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