ROS package containing scripts utilizing MoveIt specifically MoveIt Commander interface with python, to be run in a workspace where moveit has been installed from source and panda_moveit_config has been cloned and built.
Run by entering the following in a terminal
roslaunch panda_moveit run_sim.launch
and then the following in another terminal for the cpp code
rosrun panda_moveit pick_and_place
or for the python code
rosrun panda_moveit
Franka Arm has been setup with moveit setup assistant and launched through an include of the demo_gazebo.launch from the panda_moveit_config file
roslaunch panda_moveit run_gazebo.launch
To view the robot parameter details run
rostopic echo -n 1 /move_group/monitored_planning_scene
To kill all ros processes
killall -9 roscore rosmaster rosout roslaunch
pkill -f gzserver
pkill -f gzclient
pkill -f roslaunch